This shape is a fractal made from the Mandelbrot set. I guess the joke is that the more you zoom in the edges the more detail there is, so doing them would be an impossibly infinite task.[More info on the Mandelbrot set here.](
Not really. I reckon most aussies would leave the spider be, and call it cunt only in an affectionate manner.
Well that’s… unfortunate. I’d like to know how the fuck that got past editors, typesetters and peer reviewers. I hope this is some universally ignored low impact factor pay to print journal.
You could always try command picture hanging strips - I’ve had great success with stuff weighing more than 1 kg. They can theoretically hang up to 5.5 kg so you should be fine. Each time I got them off the wall without damaging the paint too so bonus for that.
You could call it a colonial mindset. Wonder where that way have come from.
I mean it’s formula 1 - the answer to that and all other questions is money, lots of money. Makes it hard to love this sport.
I’ve not got a lot of advice to offer, because what you’re going through is hard and sometimes there’s no easy answer.
I will however tell you from one stranger to another that the shame is misplaced. You have nothing to be ashamed about, because you’re doing the best you can. Sure, some hypothetical you has a shiny clean house and looks like they have all of their shit together but that’s not a real person, and that standard is not useful to hold yourself against. Your mil may very well have a spotless house but you can bet your arse she has other shortcomings where you are absolutely killing it.
Shame like this is almost always a learned reaction from some past events, and almost always it’s utterly unhelpful. You’re getting stuck in a shame spiral treating yourself like shit and then feeling so terrible that you’re in no position to dig yourself out. Try not to hold yourself to impossible standards. Treat yourself like a good friend - do what you can, and then give yourself a break. And try and recognise the areas where you’re doing pretty great, even though the house is a mess. Internet hugs.
Someone please tell me that shelving unit isn’t structural.
His and hers and theirs, apparently.
Same - I could never understand interdental brushes. How the hell was I supposed to get that between my teeth when even I waxed floss won’t fit? So I gave up and now use an electric toothbrush +waterpick when I can be arsed. My dentist is more than happy so I guess I’m doing ok.
And here again we see the bizarre confusion between the Caduceus and the rod of Asclepius. The one with two snakes (and wings) is traditionally representative of commerce, representing Hermès/mercury. The one for medicine traditionally has the one snake and no wings - symbol of the Greek god Asclepius, the healer.
I see this a lot in representations from the USA - is that the case here ? If so, it seems rather sadly appropriate given the state of US-American healthcare.
I mean holy shit you’re right, the lack of patient consent is a much bigger issue than getting lazy writing the discussion.