
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Yep! I haven't looked deep into it because that is a "Once already in Canada" problem in my mind. Just a simple hunting rifle that I know the in and out of and can familiarly and effectively shoot is enough for me.

I'm not all gung-ho about guns or anything either, in terms of policy many would call me anti-gun even. I wouldn't disagree. I am a staunch pacifist and refuse to glorify violence or the tools for it. I just want to know I can have the ability and skills to defend Canada if such a time comes. The world is changing and self defense is timeless.

Even considering maybe joining the reserves too. I am a college educated adult, so I would likely become an officer and they get paid niiiiice.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Also interested. I am Canadian living in America and am looking to back asap. Was looking for go bags in case if things get way too hectic in the US for Canadians and I just need to get in my car and dash to the border.

I figured basic medical, food & water, basic survival stuff would be needed. I would add a gun to the mix, but thats money I would rather save to help move to Canada. Plan on buying a gun once in Canada.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I was thinking that needs a ehbuddyhoser on here. It is insane how that sub is the most patriotic canadian subreddit on reddit aside from buycanadian lmao

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Ditto. If it is secure, independent, and operated and maintained by Canadians, it is simply in the best interest of both countries. Frankly, it might be something we want to explore on our own even without the US leading it. We are an awfully large country though, and it might not be practical. But maybe we can atleast protect major population centers? Who knows. I'm out of my depth here.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It is in both of our countries best interests, really. If we refused it would be a petty move and a point of contention between the countries that is not needed.

Besides, this is the third time such a "iron dome" strategy has been attempted by the US and each one ends up a massive money sink and waste of time. I doubt third time will be the charm here. Very high chance this leads to nothing, and if it doesn't, whelp North America is more protected from missile strikes.

I just wonder if Mexico is invited to the iron dome...

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Its something to sleep on, thats for sure. Maybe I could shoot the idea of posting the lemmy-alternative community on their sidebar, and let naturally curious users find it on their own.

But would it be weird to, for example, host such a primarily US and international community on the website? I would want to host it on the .ca one because I unabashedly simp for my country, but I think it would confuse a lot of people why their community is hosted by Canadians if it is not explicitly a canadian community. Is there maybe a history-based lemmy server that would make more sense to host under? Is that something I could host even? That could be pretty sick and impactful for the history professional community I feel. But the best server hosting experience I got is running a minecraft server, ngl. Super advanced stuff, I know.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Seems difficult to choose a server to join to engage on Mastodon. I want to support and choose a Canadian server, but it seems like sparse pickings, most of them have less than 100 people on them. But is that even a bad thing? I vaguely understand the emphasis that what server my account is created on doesn't particularly matter. But lets say that small volunteer hosted server goes kaputt, what happens to my account or my posts? And I see that these servers can "defederalize" from other servers. Does that mean that these guys I don't know can influence what I see and am exposed to on the fediverse? Feels like a really easy way to create a echo chamber for myself, if used maliciously. It feels like I should find a trustworthy server to create an account on.

Its also a little confusing seeing servers for specifically Ottawa, and other canadian cities, while some are just Canadian in general, and some are not even geographic but topic-based servers. How does the server I make my account on influence what my user experience will look like?

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I will toy with the idea of posting some content on the history communities. For my professional field the most popular subreddit is r/museumpros. It is a small but fiercely engaged subreddit, and I think there would be like minded people that could be willing to make the switch over. I'd be sorta worried that I'd be drawing the ire of the mods there though, essentially disrupting their community and pilfering their members. Plus, the subreddit has been a massive boon to the museum community and fracturing it by having half go on lemmy and half stay on reddit would weaken the field massively at a critical juncture, with the massive gov threats the field is facing with the grant cutting and what not in the US. While I'd love to see like minded history-focused faces on lemmy, I think having a similar community gathering here will have to happen organically. I will explore maybe cross posting both content here and on bluesky, and on bluesky plugging whatever history community I post in.

I think id be much better suited as a normal member anyways. I touch way too much grass to be a community moderator. I already surprised myself by volunteering to create the Canadian Windsor city community on I plan on handing over the reigns to just about anyone if it actually takes off.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Maybe once I get a job first. I need to sell the idea of myself to my small field first before I start trying to convince them why a federated social media alternative would benefit them. Honestly, aside from sticking it to facebook, I don't think there would be tangible benefits. In all honesty, it would potentially fracture the field and weaken us even more by decreasing our professional network strength. I think if they migrate over here, it will have to be organically rather than coerced by me. Lots of people in my field migrating from twitter to bluesky though, so we take wins when we get them.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Can anyone explain to me what the primary difference is between Mastadon and Bluesky? I never used Mastadon but it is meant to be a twitter alternative correct? It seems like bluesky is gaining much more traction than mastadon ever did, based solely on how I literally hear nothing about it ever. If I am wrong on mastadon not being widely adopted, do tell, I am genuinely asking.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Unfortunately I actually just joined facebook recently. My professional field is a rather small one, and there are strong and established profesional groups on there that greatly benefit me that only exist on facebook. The older people in my field are unlikely to switch to anything newer. Set in their ways and what not. I am desperately looking for a job at the moment so I'd something I sorta have to grin and bear. I have an ad block and I don't even post or engage with any of the crap on there though.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Is there any real benefit to deleting the account? I don't see what harm a dead account could do. I have a instagram account that has my real name on it, and I'd hate to have someone potentially impersonate me. I instead posted a link to my personal website and also linked my Bluesky account in the bio, stating that I will no longer be using instagram or regularly checking it.

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