All my friends have signed off when called in to fix it, they are good. Let fascism fail they have some smart ppl sure, but nowhere near enough!!! And after the fires burn out we will let them starve to death as they only believe in nature's fittest so be it!
Bro, I'm American and I am afraid as fuck of France, I bet ALL their nukes work perfectly. Whereas Russia, well we saw what they threw at Ukraine and they didn't even have fresh enough tires let alone logistics to win. America right now probably couldn't manage a coherent response if they tried and that is me being optimistic.
That's a shit take with a fuckton of stigma and misinformation behind it, I could argue this all day but I don't care enough. You are no expert and know nothing more than your vibes and feelings, which of course in 2025 your opinions must have as much value as our facts why not?
Ppl act as if the paramilitary blocking our senators from buildings weeks ago wasn't a sign that smarter heads are pulling the strings in the background and it shows. Still acting like it is just "another bad Republican presidency." Won't be till a few social security checks bounce and by then, too late. Elon already recently hired 100 paramilitary guys as personal bodyguards, democrats short of a handful need to all be primaried out ASAP!
We call those morons where I come from.
Sigh, where to begin. Maybe check back in 30-90 days after social security payments start coming up missing...By then they will either fight or die on the streets homeless. I am just young enough to survive working till I die like our feudal crypto overlords demand.
520nm narrow band green light is nice for active migraines too, comes from Harvard research, and used to only see it from Allay and there $300 lamp. Nowadays though, Hooga sells a simple bulb you can use in anything that makes it so I can power through on projects at work where I otherwise would be in bed, really takes the edge off. Of course, that and my Nurtec, Celebrex 200mg, Tylenol, and Relpax combo...
How you came to that conclusion when I calmly explained you are a nincompoop for acting like any addiction is merely a self-control issue that only a weaker man would resort to therapy for?