I am not even sure if Finland could help. How many eggs can a relatively small country like Finland (or Denmark that was asked last week to deliver eggs) deliver to a large country as the U.S.? What difference could that make?
As an addition:
Sex-selective abortions over the past four decades in China -- (Study, published February 2025)
China now faces multiple challenging demographic and public policy problems that have emerged from four decades of sex-selective induced abortions [...] The annual proportions and number of selective abortions [meaning that female fetuses were aborted much more often than males] rose in the 1980s with the strict family planning policy [...] In China, the long-standing preference for sons, easy access to sex-selective technologies, and the spontaneous fertility decline have led to the continued practice of selectively aborting female fetuses, despite its prohibition. As a result, the imbalanced sex ratio may take years to normalize.
As an addition:
Sex-selective abortions over the past four decades in China -- (Study, published February 2025)
China now faces multiple challenging demographic and public policy problems that have emerged from four decades of sex-selective induced abortions [...] The annual proportions and number of selective abortions [meaning that female fetuses were aborted much more often than males] rose in the 1980s with the strict family planning policy [...] In China, the long-standing preference for sons, easy access to sex-selective technologies, and the spontaneous fertility decline have led to the continued practice of selectively aborting female fetuses, despite its prohibition. As a result, the imbalanced sex ratio may take years to normalize.
As an addition:
Sex-selective abortions over the past four decades in China -- (Study, published February 2025)
China now faces multiple challenging demographic and public policy problems that have emerged from four decades of sex-selective induced abortions [...] The annual proportions and number of selective abortions [meaning that female fetuses were aborted much more often than males] rose in the 1980s with the strict family planning policy [...] In China, the long-standing preference for sons, easy access to sex-selective technologies, and the spontaneous fertility decline have led to the continued practice of selectively aborting female fetuses, despite its prohibition. As a result, the imbalanced sex ratio may take years to normalize.
exacerbated in China’s case by the now-revoked One-Child Policy’s unintentional demographic consequences
These 'unintentional demographic consequences' were predictable, as the sex ratio became skewed toward males. Parents in rural areas were allowed a second child if the first was a daughter. In addition, having a girl became highly undesirable in China at the time, resulting in a rise in abortions of female fetuses,
Another effect was that the births of subsequent children after the first one went unreported or were hidden from authorities. These children- who, according to the authorities, should not have been born- were and still are banned from healthcare or free education, from travel or even from such simple things like using a library. The number of such children is not known, estimates have ranged from the hundreds of thousands to several million.
All this is very bad, and the authorities knew all this.
In other news last week, a man was charged with setting fire to Warsaw store as part of Russian sabotage campaign in Poland
A Belarusian man has been charged in Poland with carrying out a terrorist act on behalf of Russia. The suspect, who reportedly posed as a Belarusian oppositionist seeking refuge in Poland, is accused of setting fire to a large retail store in Warsaw as part of a broader sabotage campaign orchestrated by Moscow.
The incident in question happened just a month before an even larger fire that destroyed Warsaw’s largest shopping centre, and which the Polish authorities have also attributed to Russia [...]
Let them join the EU!
Zhu Hengpeng, who worked for a Chinese government thinktank for more than 20 years, disappeared a few months ago after making disparaging remarks on China's economy, including the GDP growth and other metrics. You'll find ample evidence for this.
Gemini says source of claim is ...
Thanks for this. If you don't have better sources than Gemini, I end this discussion.
Hateful warmongering against China has forced it on a “delete America” program. This is opportunity for Canada. Divisiveness from US is needed instead of evil against China.
Your comments are outright wrong. This is not hateful warmongering, I am offering simple facts. The 5% growth rate in China is most likely wrong. Even one of China's leading economists recently claimed that growth rates in the country are more around 2% (he has since disappeared).
A lot of China's EV manufacturers already went bankrupt or ceased production in recent years due to fierce price wars, but the country has still a huge overcapacity, and we see the same pattern in practically all other industries.
(To use your language: just look at the numbers instead of repeating the Chinese propaganda absurdity.)
Extremely shameful and destructive for the lacks of talks between Canada and China. Tariffs were put on with not even a phone call, as Sulivan met with Trudeau one weekend.
Talks between Canada and China have been going on all the time, but China doesn't appear to listen. The government in Beijing ordered Chinese companies to overproduce -EVs and other products- as they think this is the only way to support their troubled economy. They make decisions in complete disregard of anyone else. I don't say tariffs or other protectionist measure are a good thing, but a free competitive market only works if everyone plays according to the rules. China doesn't.