The future's wasteland will be covered by bodies of web stalkers who were naive enough to get tricked by mid-2010s shitposts.
"Turns out they never used this to make their metal cutlery darker - who would have thought the ancients were so casually cruel?"
"After months of research we have concluded, that despite all their technical achievements, the ancients never figured out, what does the fox say"
"Today prof. Drobyshevsky is going to tell us about their newest work in XXI cent. anthropology - what is 'streamer dent' and why do we have such long heads 2300 years later?"
"Ass, coochie and the rich - dietary practices of homo sapiens in the age of over-production"
Outer Wilds, if you haven't played already. Obligatory warning to avoid spoilers like your life depends on it, go in completely blind if possible.