
joined 2 months ago
[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Yeah it's pretty funny. Most of these are just "it's overrated" complaints, which is not the same as a film being iredeemably bad. Feels like a lot of these people just hate being exposed to opinions that differ from their own, so over time these overrated films have morphed into a 1/10 atrocity in their head despite none of their issues with them actually reflecting that level of hatred. You could definitely make a compelling argument for many of these films being good, and the only reason these people wouldn't be convinced is because of their aforementioned personality flaw.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I would love this. Motorola’s Android is one of the most vanilla.

It's not as good as it used to be, unfortunately. Most of the bloat can still be uninstalled pretty easily (in my region, at least) but they have been moving away from the "stock Android" experience since the introduction of Hello UI.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (3 children)

This thread is crazy, so many hot takes in here!

One of the worst I've ever seen is the Korean film 'Stray Dogs' (2014). There is so much unnecessary sexual violence towards women in this film and almost none of it has any relevance to the story. It's not like a rape revenge thing either where the victim eventually comes out on top - in this film the victim is a blind woman who cannot even defend herself with a knife she is given. The supposed protagonist of the film rapes his wife at the beginning and then engages in voyeurism for much of the film while this poor blind woman is raped every single night by the entire town. When he finally decides to do something about it he is absolutely fucking hopeless, as are the townspeople attempting to stop him. It is so misogynistic and poorly written, I have no idea why anyone agreed to be in it. Anyone who enjoyed this film should go on some kind of watch list.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I saw Mickey 17 at my local cinema. Overall it was a good experience, the other cinema-goers were quiet and respectful so we could all enjoy the film properly (doesn't always happen). The film itself was great for about two thirds and then pretty mediocre in the final third, but overall it was worth seeing for some classic Bong Joon-ho comedy.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

This season feels like such conventional mystery box TV (in a bad way), as opposed to the first season which started off as this unique surrealist office comedy that gradually morphed into a thriller. I'm sorry to be so cynical, but this second season feels like a classic case of a show that blew up way more than expected and is now being deliberately stalled to milk its viewers and their attention. An expansion of cinematography and setting is nice, but not at the expense of a what was previously a cohesive narrative.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah it's one of the reasons I prefer Proton. Not many VPNs offer that functionality now, unfortunately.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

That's rarely how donations work, though. Ultimately you need to have some level of trust that the people at the organisation you are donating to know a lot more about where, when and how your money can be effectively used than you do. Your pre-donation requirements/demands are extremely unrealistic and I'm not sure if people like yourself are genuinely delusional about this fact or if you just use it as some sort of moral bargaining tactic to never feel bad about the fact that you don't donate any of your money to the causes you supposedly really want to.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

“My favorite season — and I feel like I can say this objectively — is Season 1.” He’s picking up steam here, sounding tickled by his own admission. “I happen to be in that one, so I thought that was incredible, incredible television and a great series. I watched it weekly, like everyone else, on Sunday night, and that was an event for me. And I got to sit back and enjoy that. I loved the water cooler talk on Monday morning. Even though I made it, I sort of forgot what was going to happen next. It was one of the great events in TV.”

I think this might be one of the only times I've seen an actor not only admit that they watched something they were in, but actually watched it as everyone else would watch it. Like he was a fan of the TV show he helped create and already knew everything about. Kinda weird but it's cool that he can enjoy it in that way, a lot of actors seem to either hate watching themselves played back or just don't see the value in reliving a project for a second time.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Mullvad. Its only real downside is its lack of port forwarding and it passes all the Lemmy purity tests. You will never be downvoted for recommending it.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Prior to 2019, any film where the actor committed the cardinal sin of not speaking English.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

To be fair to you, there was a Bourne reference in there I missed initially.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Also was annoyed with Pattinson’s voice.

I have the complete opposite take, I thought the voice he created for the character was great.

spoilerThe narration was hilarious, he sounded so stupid and resigned to his tragic comedy of a life and the way they paired that with a lot of visual gags made the first two thirds of the film so enjoyable for me. To me, where it really fell off was the final third which became a very slow, linear trudge towards a very predictable Hollywood happy ending. Every scene from the post-attempted assassination arrests onward dragged so badly.

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