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[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It's genuinely insane how many people keep thinking and saying this nonsense. Identity politics are a reason Republicans won but they are NOT the reason Democrats lost.

If anything they lose every battle on identity politics because they keep ceding ground to the right wing. If they bit BACK - if they called a spade a spade, if they called out bigotry and actually supported and amplified minority voices - they would get more support. Not less.

It's becoming mainstream again to be outright homophobic and that's only possible because democrats insist on civility, "focusing elsewhere" and allowing right-wing assholes to run the conversation.

Don't get me wrong - economics is ultimately the true make-or-break for the country and the world - but abandoning allies and friends is a losing strategy. The less empathetic and open-minded the populace, the less likely they are to support any meaningful economic progress.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don't know if you know how education works, but it takes time lol. But more importantly, they're beating countries that do invest much more heavily in education. They're beating everyone.

Like, sure. Yes. We agree. We should invest more in education for a lot of reasons... but guess what? Chip fabrication on their level isn't a college course, it's cutting edge institutional knowledge. They are the best of the best in chip fabrication right now. And if you want to provide Americans with the best education, you bring over the best of the best in the field, no?

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Lmfao what is this conversation? Seriously, what is this with calling me a eugenicist? You really need to go actually learn about the topic at hand. The "chance and circumstance" isn't birth or genetics lol it's, like, the chance of Einstein being bored at the patent office.

Chip fabrication is literally the place where global market forces are actively working to cut corners on the fundamental structure of reality. These people shave off nanometers between semiconductors while stopping electrons from hopping the gap between one atom to another. You can't just "hard work" past them. They're not like "naturally" better, they're just currently winning a very challenging race, and it will take time for anyone else to catch up.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Eugenics themed? Lmfao what?

I'm not saying they're naturally smarter than other people lol. It has nothing to do with genetics. The answer to "why are they winning the race" isn't simple, and the answer to "how can the US surpass them" could fill a novel and still not provide a clear answer. They're beating everyone, not just America, and a lot of it comes down to chance and circumstance.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

For the same reason the world believes it - because its true. They are the cutting edge. Other engineers can take over in the same way that other scientists could have taken over the Apollo program. It's possible, but it takes time, money, effort, and luck, and in the meantime the other nation(s) will land on the moon first.

All of the other companies are actively trying to beat TSMC and losing. Computer chips are the rocket engines of the digital age.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (11 children)

Nah. I get it, but no.

We have people here who can do this work

This is the one thing you keep missing. We don't have people here who can do the work. Straight up. All the big players send their engineers to learn from TSMC for a reason. Of all the labor, of all the capital, these people are the exceptions to every rule.

Capitalists went to extreme lengths to win the nuclear arms race. They will go to the same lengths to keep winning the digital arms race too. These engineers will never be billionaires on their brains alone - because you're right, they do not own the capital - but they do have a significantly higher value than any other laborers in the eyes of capitalists and therefore will never be deported to a rival.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (13 children)

Lol again, they're not labor. They don't have anything to do with the traditional capitalist-labor relationships. I am well aware of the reality you describe and I can still tell you, it doesn't apply here. Cutting edge chipmakers are the golden goose of the digital age. For best reference, see anything about the US' extreme efforts in collecting rocket scientists after world war 2. Capitalists know a golden goose when they see one.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (15 children)

... You really do not understand the nature of the game that's being played here, and that's okay. Feel free to keep thinking of world-class scientists as nothing more than indentured servants. Again, extremely xenophobic to dismiss their intelligence and personal volition, as if they're just slaves waiting for america to import them.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (17 children)

So many issues here. I'm sorry but you deeply misunderstand a lot of things about chip manufacturing.

These really, really, really are not laborers. They have nothing to do with labor. These engineers are effectively the same level of cutting edge as the scientists the US picked up after WW2. They are literally national resources - valuable pieces on the international game board.

No, they don't get deported to economic rivals. Ever. They are not cheap labor. They are line-item assets in the military-industrial complex.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (28 children)

H1B recipients are horribly abused, true. But that's because they're used the way capitalism uses everyone it considers replaceable - grind them down and move onto the next. Doesn't apply to - again - the literally best-on-the-planet engineers. They're not coding for Xitter, they can walk at any time and find employment and visas elsewhere.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (30 children)

cheap indentured labor from Taiwan

The extremely well-paid and literally best-on-the-planet chip manufacturers? The highly skilled engineers with years of education and expertise, who continuously outpace the achievements of much larger companies and nations? The ones who work in a narrow field that doesn't actually matter for jobs reports, because they're such a small group of experts and the real gain in jobs for the economy would be the labor involved in building the fabs for them?

Calling them "cheap indentured labor" is just casual xenophobia.

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The buck doesn't start and stop inside the treasury. Most of this money was going somewhere, and people can fact check things like the actual terms of government contracts, past expenditures, congressional budgets, etc.

The real problem - as is always the case in this Age of Disinformation - is that the process of verifying facts takes time, while the process of producing lies is instant and constant.

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