
joined 2 months ago
[–] 16 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I used to live in a city. Doesn’t matter where I live, the queer community is only accepting of a certain kind of queer. Which I’m not.

You do not get to paint the whole community like this. The community is only accepting of a certain kind of person: the kind of person that accepts and supports the community.

You're not doing that. You're stirring shit up, acting like some members of the community haven't earned their place, and throwing around some extremely inappropriate stereotypes like your alleged experience is indicative of the community as a whole.

You want to be homophobic and stereotype people like this, and you want to be transphobic and dismiss their struggles up to now as "having it too easy"?

And you fucking come around saying they deserve to be oppressed? They "have it coming" because they "wouldn't listen to their elders"? You want them to be oppressed?

Then you're absolutely right. You're not the kind of person the community accepts. Get the fuck out.

[–] 24 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (7 children)

It seems more to me like the TQ wants to rid themselves of the LGB with their pronoun tirades and temper tantrums.

Woah, hey, what the fuck? Here I thought you were having a sincere overreaction but no, this is all just transphobia, and possibly homophobia. You're basically ranting about the whole community being non-monogamous? Sexually deviant?

"Terminally online whiny piss babies"? You want to reject the community? You think they've all just had it easy? You live a "lonely rural life" and think you can talk about how people have had it easy? Paint the whole community red like that but it's okay if you say "(at least by me)"?

Transgender people have had it easy?

Absolutely not with this shit, I do not give you any more benefits of the doubt or good faith. You are hitting all the bigot talking points regardless of what you identify as.

You do not get to divide the community at a time like this. Trying to stir shit up and turn LGB on TQ and vice versa, yeah, you need to GTFO.

Blaming any victim for their oppression is wrong.

I'm sorry but that is the end of this conversation. You want to blame people for their own oppression. You are not speaking as their ally, you are speaking as their enemy.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Great. So, you think your fellow community members have a behavioral problem, and you're blaming them for their impending oppression. Again, not the words of an ally. To them, or to anyone in the community.

Blaming any victim for their oppression is wrong. Especially if you know what it's like to be oppressed. It's not their fault, and how dare you suggest that it is.

You think they're disrespecting their elders and they don't know how good they have it? Do you genuinely not see a problem here? Have you ever heard someone say anything like that and thought "hmm, actually they have a point"? Especially when you don't actually know how good they've had it?

[–] 16 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I’m saying that since they want to fake being oppressed so hard they should get a taste of what real oppression feels like.

This is your problem. You need to face it. Those are not the words of an ally. Saying that a member of your community deserves to feel the same oppression you did? Absolutely not. You are not speaking as their ally, you are speaking as their enemy.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

You've got a lot of "kids these days don't know how good they have it!" energy, and it's really not helping you here or anywhere.

Seriously, you're complaining about these people fighting all the wrong battles, but here you are still fighting in that exact battle? In your eyes, they're wasting their time turning on each other... but here you are screaming at them and about them? Do you think the things you are saying in this thread will prevent discrimination and violence? Do you think you're changing minds?

I understand you're rightfully pissed off about a lot of things. But you really are drawing a line in your life and saying "I struggled. They didn't. They don't have the right to question me. Which isn't necessarily true and also isn't a very productive line of reasoning.

A lot of great answers here, but one issue stands out as the most important: time. There isn't enough time for anyone else to pick up the slack for the promises the US has already made. People across the world are depending on those supplies, and many of them won't survive long enough for another country to step in and provide them.

Even the ones that will survive will face long-term consequences. Malnutrition and lapses in medical care aren't just short-term or isolated problems. Suddenly pausing treatments for tuberculosis patients doesn't just mean the patient can suffer and die - it also means TB can repopulate in their bodies, develop resistance like any bacteria exposed to but not cured by antibiotics, and that patient can spread more drug-resistant strains of TB to others. (Credit to John Green). More drug-resistant TB anywhere in the world is going to be a problem for people everywhere.

Have to defer to Occam's razor, not Hanlon's, unfortunately. The simplest answer is more often right when deciding between malice and stupidity, and this user's actions can most simply be explained as trolling.

Blocking and banning are the only reasonable responses to trolls who play these games with their words and intentions and who thrive on being the nice, innocent victim in response to every challenge.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I mean, I think they should be banned because they're clearly just spreading misinformation and division. "I'm not a conservative, I'm totally a socialist! I just build conservative communities and support conservative ideas because I want to support them! Not because I agree with them!"

"It's not trolling! I'm just sharing articles for funsies! I'm a retired socialist and do it in my free time! I just share doomer socialist content with socialists, and inflammatory conservative content with conservatives! That's a totally normal and fun thing to do for a lifelong socialist!"

"Don't take lemmy so seriously guys, its not like political discussion influences political action and those actions have direct consequences on people's lives! Politics can be fun!"

Fuck off, troll.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Oh my god. They sealioned you about the concept of sealioning. Why did I make it this far? What is it about all this weaponized nonsense that draws me like a nature documentary?

The media will frame it as a barely contained pot about to boil over.

The media has already been framing US cities like this for quite some time. Do not let that stop you. If they do not have enough civil unrest to justify oppression, they will manufacture it. If they can't manufacture it, they will fabricate evidence of it. Do not discourage protests for the sake of appearing civil and moderate.

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