It seems more to me like the TQ wants to rid themselves of the LGB with their pronoun tirades and temper tantrums.
Woah, hey, what the fuck? Here I thought you were having a sincere overreaction but no, this is all just transphobia, and possibly homophobia. You're basically ranting about the whole community being non-monogamous? Sexually deviant?
"Terminally online whiny piss babies"? You want to reject the community? You think they've all just had it easy? You live a "lonely rural life" and think you can talk about how people have had it easy? Paint the whole community red like that but it's okay if you say "(at least by me)"?
Transgender people have had it easy?
Absolutely not with this shit, I do not give you any more benefits of the doubt or good faith. You are hitting all the bigot talking points regardless of what you identify as.
You do not get to divide the community at a time like this. Trying to stir shit up and turn LGB on TQ and vice versa, yeah, you need to GTFO.
You do not get to paint the whole community like this. The community is only accepting of a certain kind of person: the kind of person that accepts and supports the community.
You're not doing that. You're stirring shit up, acting like some members of the community haven't earned their place, and throwing around some extremely inappropriate stereotypes like your alleged experience is indicative of the community as a whole.
You want to be homophobic and stereotype people like this, and you want to be transphobic and dismiss their struggles up to now as "having it too easy"?
And you fucking come around saying they deserve to be oppressed? They "have it coming" because they "wouldn't listen to their elders"? You want them to be oppressed?
Then you're absolutely right. You're not the kind of person the community accepts. Get the fuck out.