
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Yeah I guess but why not just burn them all to the ground instead? That’s doubly tempting. They will have to get therapy to adjust to a world with me after I am finished. Why not go this way instead?

Why do I need to go instead of them? I want to traumatise them

I am not a fucking victim here, they are the victims

I swear one funny look one more time and I am going to beat the shit out of someone, cameras or not something will break and I won’t control myself anymore.

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Shit I know exactly what are my problems, like I probably have all the extensive library of browser bookmarks on mental health relating to my stuff.

The main main problem is inability to cope with some trans related things

I won’t come out to the world in a sorry state I am in

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Wait, I promise I am not. It's just maybe that my stuff is different than what you want from life and hence your perceived notion of shitposting?

Still I will enjoy it because honestly despite all my obstacles I do enjoy life in its various aspects. Even if to watch a favorite tv show before sleep, go to the nature or immerse yourself in your hobby, these are all very lovely things.

Not to mention the taste of a really fine dish that fills you with happiness ah.
Or the pain of muscles from a day of a honest work.
Smell of the rain on a sunny day.
Even the sadness of departure is something that is pure and cleansing ultimately.

Nah I god damn love life. I just think I could love it even more if I had the guts to remove the chains of fear. I could be a queen of life then. Oh I would be a queen of life believe me.
I was born to be one but it was unfortunately taken away from me.
So that I never had the chance to show the real length of my wings and frankly quite wonderful things I am capable of if I put myself to them.
I have capacity for great achievements and extraordinary since childhood but I waste potential with some stuff that shouldn't even be a problem in the first place. And it wouldn't be if not for some... external factors. I just need to soar in the air once more as is my right.

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

I am 100% honest why does it sound like shitposting? This is what I dream of in life

I don't know, what do you dream of then?

I really really would love to go on a boat to the ocean and all the water around you, I love water

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (4 children)

I don't need money to accomplish what? What I would want to accomplish actually... Well I want some nice ranch hobbit like house for once and then some nice garden but thats just one of them houses. And also some kind of nice boat

I want to have voyages on the ocean on a boat. Like self sufficient boat

I want to live in the New Zealand with a nice view maybe

That all sounds like lots of money required to me. I mean this is the things I really would enjoy in life

My port would be in New Zealand and my house too, at least one of them

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

yah I probably have lots of them mental health pokemons

thats why its so scary to go

like you know teeth repair is less scary than extraction or jaw surgery

no need to be so judgy tho my bro, we all have stuff more or less.
such is the human condition

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

why do I really need one tho, I am curious what is that you spotted that made you feel like it

its just such a non telling comment - go to therapy. why, what's wrong, what made you uneasy?

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

thank you, sincerely, this is very helpful comment and something that I don't feel like maybe I deserve omggg I need to work on that lol

Why not someone making a nice comment, take it and appreciate it

I will pick some therapist tomorrow and we will see what kind of shit will come up, I bet it will feel fucking terrible

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee -1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

I think people will hate me tbh, that’s why I don’t join clubs or stuff like that

Not even discord servers. Not even talking to similar people or within the group that should like me cause if they hate me that would be crushing if you know what I mean

Hence I often get to know people who already hate me like alt right or some bullies, toxic ppl, because that is… less risky? Somehow. I don’t truly care about them so if they hate me this feels like nothing. but if someone who I really look up to would hate me… well, that would be rather extremely painful

Actually that would probably make me hate them psychotically as a some kind of subjective defense of identity. And what is understood by me as ‘hate’ is very sensitive. Merely sideways stare that I would interpret too much will make me go off to some deep end (but only if it is from someone in some group that I should belong to)

If it is some aggressive looking, young male with bald head and ugly stare then I will just feel like on a safari and see the dangerous wildlife that should be avoided. Scary of course, adrenaline going but not something that lasts in my mind

I am not afraid of wolves or tigers. But what I am afraid of is a woman that will thrust a knife in my heart and kill it

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I don’t have any friends whatsoever since like 10 years tbh and honestly never had one. Just acquaintances and frenemies but right now I haven’t talked to anyone except family since years I think

So I guess my ways of communicating may be a bit strange and look like trolling when they are honest and there is no ill intent or malice

I like to talk online sometimes and have responses I can interact with. All cool I hope my bro take care 🥰 and chill

[–] JulieLemming@lemm.ee -2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

No I just want to talk, there is no malice nor ill intent


I have composed a piece of written musings on the tools choice in clay sculpting which I put on a display on a public internet forum.

I have received following advice: Go seek therapy.

However upon checking my vaults it has become apparent that they are barren.

What should I do in this situation?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by JulieLemming@lemm.ee to c/philosophy@lemmy.world

Invigorating read complementing the previous entry of the author: https://www.philosophica.ugent.be/article/82556/galley/202370/view/^___^

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by JulieLemming@lemm.ee to c/general@lemmy.world

I posted it here, in general discussion, because I wanted to spark some conversation about socialism that seems very popular on Lemmy. I wanted people to think about this article and then voice their thoughts in the comments so that we could talk about it and see what is the rationale behind the popular Lemmy views and such. Also there is a very interesting read here from the father of UBI: https://www.philosophica.ugent.be/article/82556/galley/202370/view/


First of all, assessing how much labour value each worker contributes to production is a very tricky business. Not only because skilled labour should create more value than; unskilled labour and hence because an adequate reduction procedure of complex to simple labour is being presupposed. But even more because how much value a worker contributes in a given time depends on how productive he is compared to other workers producing the same goods.And while this productivity can in principle be assessed in the case of workers who independently produce identifiable products, it cannot, even in principle, in the general case in which goods are the joint products of a large number of operations by a large number of workers. Conse- quently, it is in most cases impossible to say whether the socially necessary labour performed by a' particular worker (or group of workers) was smaller or larger than the number of hours he actually worked, or than the value embodied in the goods he consumes 1 2. Secondly and more fundamentally, choosing socially necessary labour, rather than actual labour, as an ethical principle of distri- bution, is highly questionable. Why should someone who happens to be less skilfull than average, or to work on particularly poor land, or in a firm using obsolete machinery, be morally entitled for that reason to a smaller part of the social product? Surely, if work is relevant at all to the determination of how much a particular worker is entitled to, it should be the work he has actually performed and not the work which would have been necessary to someone with average skill to produce the same goods under average technical conditions.

Just think of a situa- tion in which there are widely different kinds of labour: some labour is pleasant, interesting and safe, while some other labour is un- attractive, boring and dangerous. Would it not be deeply unfair to reward both sorts of labour at the same rate? Surely, some way of weighting different kinds of labour must be found if "To each according to his labour" is going to be at all plausible as an ethical principle. And what criterion could be found for this purpose other than the average disutility associated with each kind of labour? The proceeds of production, so the underlying principle should go, are to be distributed according to desert, and desert is determined by how much disutility each contributor to production has had to suffer 1 3

Furthermore, even under equilibrium conditions, standard exploitation need not derive from wealth ownership or coercion. For suppose wealth is equally distributed, but preferences for leisure vary across individuals. Some members of the society concerned may be lazy, or disabled, or scornful of worldly goods. And they may therefore be content to earn a modest living out of the interest they get from lending their share of wealth to others. Despite the fact that all are equally endowed (and hence that no one can take advantage of his superior wealth position), the latter are standardly exploited by the former. Indeed, such a situation could even arise if the' non- workers had less than average wealth. They would be standard exploiters, and still withdrawing with their per capita share of social wealth would make them better off, i.e. they would be capitalistically exploited in Roemer's sense 1 7. This shows that (equilibrium) standard exploitation may derive from differences in preferences as well as from differences in wealth or from coercion. Even at equilibrium, therefore, standard exploitation may be present while capitalist-or-feudal' exploitation is not. And even if it can be shown that there is something wrong with the latter, it would not ipso facto show that there is something intrinsically wrong with the former.


I have experienced that if skip even one day after 8 hour of physical labor streak my energy levels suddenly go to the bottom and I start to feel super bad. It’s quite strange because I do not think I could not be depressed if I had a sedentary job. Sedentary things just destroy me. Also I like and wanted job in programming/cs so yeah. Gotta career switch or something apparently because cardio in the evening isn’t enough, I am like golden retriever. Only truly satisfied when all my muscles ache at the end of the day. And also I need immediate results out of my work

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