as it is above all a graphic work I am a little reluctant to explain everything because it kills the mysterious aura. But I did it for this one because it is the most scientifically based of all my engravings : here is the explanatory sheet :)
it is a mixture of abstract elements with occult/sci-fi connotations and scientific diagrams or more figurative or symbolic elements. there are elements relating to cosmology, astronomy, topography/geology. the element carbon, its simplified atomic model. a molecule of “chnops” the building blocks of life, a representation of bacterial life and various abstract elements. everything arranged in such a way as to have a homogeneous and graphically coherent egnimatic whole.
thanks ! I do the research using drawings in a notebook, but they are more sketches of elements, of symbols. I create the composition in vector on Adobe Illustrator then using a transfert medium from liquitex , I transfer my printed composition onto my linoleum plate. I then engrave my plate manually. approximately 90 percent of the plaque is hollowed out.
Beautiful. Do you per chance know an electronic music band called Carbon Based Lifeforms or is it a coincidental name?
yea i like this band ! there is no direct link to them apart from the fact that I find this title cool and that it was in the theme :)
Humans are ultimately quite absent from that work, the theme is more exobiology :) Sometimes there are direct links, sometimes not at all, it is a mixture of one third, two thirds of figurative elements and abstract elements without there necessarily being a link between the different parts. I am looking above all for graphic coherence and a homogeneous, egnigmatic whole before a real meaning. it is above all a purely graphic work. a framework is still present: exobiology and cosmology. there is a topographical map, cosmological elements, figurative relief, an element which is related to bacterial life, a carbon atom, a molecule relating to "chnops" main elements of organic chemistry, a bit of dna ...all of this refers to the appearance of life elsewhere in space, all mixed with elements with occult/scifi connotations
thank you very much, this is exactly my initial source of inspiration and now a common thread. I take the opposite view of the golden record and the pioneer plates in the sense that I like to think that my engravings could resemble (human typography and occult elements aside) what we could see on an extraterrestrial ship
Mine :)
Thanks :) Here's a version with captions that should answer all your questions
haha, a lot of strength, concentration and fear of failure :D Some sharp tools also make a difference ! The fact that they're large format also helps, as the details are easier to achieve. The large circles have a curve that's easier to follow.
thanks mate :)
all and nothing. it is a graphic composition inspired by SF and science dealing with astrophysics, the sun and space