For now at least
use duckduckgo guys
For now at least
use duckduckgo guys
I know of a few security companies that use slack to work together that includes a shitton of privat data, source codes and confidentional information
Guess whoever introduced the company to slack service fucked up by not reading their policies.
I have friends that dont mind that bs, they say yeah sure its convenient to have ads that are interesting to me, how else am i gonna discover cool new things.
I dont know Frank, if you didnt think of it you probably dont need it.
How i hate capitalism
and whats the percentage of people living in remote canada in comparison to the total population?
better than releasing a half finished game that is unplayable in the first 6 months and then barely playable for another 6months and only with the dlc 3 months later they bring features they promised on release.
Dont get me wrong i'd love to play RIGHT NOW, but i'd rather wait for a polished experience than to get disappointed.
You have your whole luaggage scanned, body scans, fingerprints, passport and even custom officers asking you where you stay and god knows what background checks are going on, but weight is gonna be an issue ?
just like China honored their treaty with Hong Kong right ?
Changing the facts is happening all day every day in China with their censorship, just try to find info about the Tiananmen Square massacre within China
His word is not worth anything
Deniers will still keep arguing that thats normal nice hot summer days they can enjoy. People are dilusional
Einerseits habe ich Mitleid weil Leute da zumindest ein Teil ihres Vermögens reingesteckt und verloren haben.
Anderseits ist man schon ganz schön blöd nachdem man etwas Dummes getan hat gleich mit etwas noch Dümmeren nachzulegen
They keep speaking about advantages but list none nor can i see any.
I can already use my ec card to pay and i need a bank account for my bills anyways so why would i get another digital option
Their reasoning being that their employees were using unethical behavior while the company itself has been in multiple lawsuits for unethical behavior
What does one call that again? Fucking hypocrits