My little brother likes to say he's going to have us all taxidermied and put on roller skates so we'll be with him forever.
Meat bad, Cartels Okay
Who could have ever foreseen the problem of having enormous critical parts with sub millimeter tolerances manufactured in three different countries so that everyone could have warm fuzzy feelings about having "participated"?
Don't get me wrong, I love ITER and everything it stands for, and I hope that it is completed and successful. Anyone could (and should) have seen this issue coming from miles away.
A track record of beating trump?
Something about the statistical validity of a sample size of one.
I'm convinced conservatives would vote for a potato if you put it in a Nazi arm band at this point.
As far as the legal and historical precedent goes - we fought a war over it.
Saw a video from Denmark I think where everyone is biking everywhere and the metro station has an enormous numbered rack for depositing bicycles for storage. The entire thing is spotless, well maintained, and has zero graffiti.
All I could think is that in the US the fabric of our society and the integrity of the social contract is so degraded that even if we somehow had the political capital to build it - it would be destroyed by individual anti-social behaviors. And we'd certainly never have the wherewithal to maintain or repair it.
New Year's Festival. Mandatory day off for everyone except emergency services
I've literally seen cats with more complex reasoning capabilities than Trump.
You could write an incredibly simple algorithm to accurately predict every single thing he does. He is not an actual person. He is not a human being. He's just a sucking black hole of narcissism. He's a creature of pure Id.
I've never seen a cat with eyes that color, super pretty
To add to this, there are literally vending machines in the game that sell loaded guns.
Say it with me now:
J E B B B B B B B B B B B B!