Real comedy. Sadly.

Eigentlich halte ich es genauso.

What is this crybaby game. I mean. It's ridiculous and sad to watch

Oh we gonna get to play a NPC.

So no heat issues?

Oh.. ich glaube nicht dass das so easy durch geht..

Mastodon ist eine Quelle für mich. Ansonsten auf journalistischen Seiten. T3N, Tagesschau.

Aber da begrenzt es sich schon sehr. Ich schaue auch gern mal in den Google Feed meines Smartphones.

Because making up stories is much easier than actual journalism.

"The disease is causing the ailment that is quiet quitting and the Great Resignation. That's not the problem. That's the manifestation of this underlying sort of chasm between the needs, wants and expectations of the modern employee and what employers are providing."

There you go. Calling the reasons for this a disease.

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joined 1 year ago