This is like when we Danes tell jokes about Swedes and Norwegians, I assume.
Like this: How many Norwegians to change a light bulb in the ceiling?
Three; one to hold the lightbulb and two to carry them while going in circles.
This is like when we Danes tell jokes about Swedes and Norwegians, I assume.
Like this: How many Norwegians to change a light bulb in the ceiling?
Three; one to hold the lightbulb and two to carry them while going in circles.
Explicit sponsorship inside a video is considered to be one of a few good solution to the issue of content creators being naturally subjected to death by starvation.
It's better on the issue of tracking, but if one is just an opponent of ads in general, there is no difference.
I would rather pay someone than watch ads (which I do if I watch their content regularly). I subscribe to Nebula, where a lot of the creators I watch post their videos. I also support some through Patreon. I wish there was a way to pay for just a single video, since some creators only occasionally produce videos I want to watch.
Ads promote overconsumption, and I don't think anyone should be forced to see them, unless they want to. Also, the sponsors are always the same 10 shitty companies (Betterhelp, Raid Shadow Legends, NordVPN...). I don't care for these companies, so why should I be forced to watch ads for them?
So tasty!
Fun fact: In Denmark, cinnamon rolls are called "Kanelsnegle" which means cinnamon snails 🐌
Thank you! I spent ages on getting the front done. I used sideways cheese slopes for the headlights like so:
This along with the wheel mounts is an illegal technique (not quite fitted completely).
Who fucking told the international press!? This is so embarassing.
Dette er den nye fredagstråd. Jeg har i den forgangne uge sendt flere ansøgninger afsted. Ingen svarer🗿Men hovedet holdes højt alligevel.
Jeg mener stadig det er vildt at word stadig er så udbredt som det er. Hvis bare halvdelen af de penge man brugte på at købe Office-pakken til elever i stedet blev sprøjtet i udvikling af Libreoffice er jeg sikker på vi ville have et langt bedre system.
Hvis man ifølge loven er myndig til at være ansvarlig for sit sexliv som 15-årig synes jeg også det giver mening at man selv er ansvarlig for evt. abort også.
Jeg har lige været ude at øve mig i parallelparkeringer inden min snarlige køreprøve. Jeg er optimistisk omkring den!
Jeg har købt mig en pladespiller. Det er noget hyggeligere at sætte plader på end at tænde for spotify.
"Jeg' en frø, mand"
Sjovt det hedder et valgsprog, han er jo ikke valgt.