I just skimmed this but shouldn't people who are unable/ubwilling to live in the modern world be true to themselves and also not code in some demonic language?
Just skip it and piss off dear catholic
I just skimmed this but shouldn't people who are unable/ubwilling to live in the modern world be true to themselves and also not code in some demonic language?
Just skip it and piss off dear catholic
So was this guy semi normal in the head at some point?
I am really wondering if he has been deteriorating over the last years.
I have trouble telling what is satire and what isn't.
As if that hypothetical person ever had a chance post 2008.
In all fairness, they are zoo animals
Konnte man einfach nicht wissen, das dafür Geld benötigt wird.
Fuck all that, I went back to pirating because of this.
When Netflix was good there was a brief window when I did not download movies, music and other content. Needless to say that's long gone.
You can pirate anything by signing up to one or two private trackers, not 15 subscriptions.
This graph probably assumes that the child will lead a similar lifestyle as us for an entire lifetime.
If the child grows up in a post-apocalyptic wasteland however it's not going to have that footprint.
There is hope is all I am saying. 😉
They try to feel out what would annoy you more.
There has to be some (dis)incentive to have children without marriage in some contries and not others.
I Germany I guess people think you might as well marry when having children because you get extra money, less taxes whatever and maybe that's not the case in other countries.
I think we work in the same company, the dude does not smell funny to me but maybe that's just me.
Ganz schlimme Selbstzensur, wenn man zB nicht mal mehr Putin lobpreisen darf und dann keine standing ovations bekommt.