[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 2 points 1 month ago

We do create a lot of content - I personally post a lot of politics, etc., and Alice and the gang post lots & lots of comedy related stuff.

I think we also have one of the most active communities for 'Crime' news and relatively active for sports news.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 2 points 2 months ago

I am perpetually near crying when people talk about how sweet dogs are.

Just some random interview with some guy

We adopted a street dog that had been abandoned...

: My eyes get wet :

She was malnourished and scared of people

: I grow still and silent :

She now has to go on a diet but, y ou know me, still slip her some pizza crust once in a while

: I am nearly weeping with relief :

You will be like,

"This man is exaggerating. He's not that sensitive."

: My eyes grow moist from typing this purely fictional account that sounds like a normal adopted stray dog story :

That's how it is and I don't feel a need to change even though it can be embarrassing.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 1 points 2 months ago

The very earliest stuff obviously doesn't have that, and we rely on church history because it wasn't like even the most interesting thing a Roman governor did that week to kill some random churchmen who created conflict among Jews, nor do we have much preserved about mobs killing these guys other than in the original Christian communal sources.

But really, if you start from the premise that everything Christians ever write about thesmelves is pure propaganda without an iota of truth in it, that creates a non-serious standard with which to evaluate things.

Is it really absurd to think that Protomartyr Stephen was killed by a mob of Jews for preaching a radically different religion to them in a time of great political upheaval? Isn't this exactly what we think of Christians at later times - that they'd just turn on a guy and kill him for being a heretic? Why is it so unbelievable that it once happened to a Christian? Why is it so troublesome that the only people who bothered to write about these martyrs and preserve their memory were the people who were victims in the course of this?

Obviously, you can say that it's propaganda and lies, and maybe some of it was. But we know it's absolutely historic that Christians wre officially persecuted later on. it is also par for the course that they would be less formally persecuted prior to that. it also amkes sense that Christians, like every other group, try to preserve a communal memory.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 10 points 2 months ago

No, and that is to even be expected.

He was a prophet whose movement had around 120 or so core disciples along with his apostles, plus thousands who followed him about and considered him a healer and revolutionary teacher.

There are people who have done similar things that are completely lost to history other than small records that vaguely outline the controversy surrounding them... We shouldn't really expect more in terms of proof...

But what is unique is the fact that we have an extremely well preserved corpus of text surrounding him. We also have some good idea that a lot of his followers were prosecuted and killed, and never recanted in the process, which might incline you to believe in the radical truth that they lived by.

Of course I am biased - I am a Christian - but it really does just seem pointlessly antagonistic to dismiss His Existence at all.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 2 points 3 months ago

That is amazing - really good stuff. I will add that to my anecdotes on this topic.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 2 points 3 months ago

Nah man freedom of speech includes hate speech.

If "hate speech" must be banned, why even have a democracy..?

You have to have faith in the ability of people to discern right from wrong, and the very first test of that is whether people are going to be mentally hijacked by some guy saying the N word.

If you believe people can't do that... Why vote? You just support soft totalitarianism.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 2 points 3 months ago

But to be entirely fair to the guy's point:

Lots of top athletes have superstitions about abstaining from intercourse prior to events - some are very extreme, with fighters isolating themselves from their spouses and training for months without any release before their MMA fight/boxing match. Some say they do it for, say, just a week ahead of time, etc.

There are a few who have the opposite philosophy and claim to actually do it more in the week leading up to the fight.

It's really a massive point of contention because some people claim it is a mere superstition while others absolutely will not break their routine.

There is also the famous incident where Bobby Fisher says that he performed poorly at a tournament because he had sex after the first night and the experience totally removed him from his focus...

This might be why it impacts fighters and certain people whose lifting styles are really about maximized performance and not a routine... If concentration is interrupted, it can result in very poor output. Like I can see how someone who is very intense about what they are doing and requires total focus would be interrupted by any form of sexual distraction. This is probably very, very relevant to guys who are fighters...

This might also have to do with perspectives on sexuality - people who ascribe a lot of meaning to it versus those who do not...

Lots of stuff to consider, I think.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 2 points 3 months ago

Wonderful observation.

It's really our duty to be familiar with both sides and be ready to debate.

Of course, exception guy will be in the thread pointing out extreme edge cases in which we all agree that there is no alternative to the accepted opinion ("R*pe is bad, mmkay?")... But this is besides the point.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 9 points 3 months ago

Just amazing - the government literally going to bat for the sake of concert goers who demand hotel rooms.

Can't imagine working through drug addiction and getting clean enough to be given a hotel room, and then eagerly trying to find some form of employment to become stable, and then your case worker is like *What do you think about spending a few days in Aberdeen...? WIth the Taylor Swift concert and all... There's a need for this room for someone else..."

Lol what.


Some very cool stuff buried in the article:

Gazing at the turbulent, rain-swollen river, Esculier highlights what he sees as a curious paradox: as a society, we are spending energy on treating our nitrogen-rich wastewater and destroying reactive nitrogen, while also, spending energy on making synthetic nitrogen fertiliser (whose production and use account for around 2% to 5% of greenhouse gas emissions). Treatment facilities capture around 10% of nitrogen from our sewage to be spread on crops, while 50% goes into the air, he says - and the remainder, into the river. Given a greater Paris population of 10 million people, this means "nitrogen from four million people goes into the Seine every day".

If we used all the urine from greater Paris to fertilise wheat instead, it would be enough to produce more than 25 million baguettes a day," Esculier calculates.

Over the past decade, Esculier has tried to put some of those findings into practice, trialling ways to collect urine and use it as fertiliser. In its simplest form, he was familiar with this from his own family history: "One of my grandmothers used to tell her children to go and pee on the rhubarb," he says, which gave the plant a boost of natural fertiliser.

Under a research programme called Ocapi, which Esculier leads, he and his team have organised various pilot projects aimed at collecting urine in cities which is then used by farmers to fertilise their crops. In one project, 20 volunteers collect their own urine and bring it to a drop-off point, where a farmer then collects it, stores it and uses it as fertiliser.

Esculier hands me a packet of biscuits produced as part of the Ocapi project. As the label proudly states, the Biscodor (or "Golden Biscuits") are made with flour from "wheat cultivated with a fertiliser based on human urine". I put them in my bag, curious to see what my colleagues in London would think of them.

The idea of separating urine at source is attracting interest on a larger scale.

Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, a planned new neighbourhood in Paris in the grounds of an old hospital, will feature urine-separating toilets as part of a recycling pilot programme by the City of Paris.

"It's fairly rare in Paris to have a new neighbourhood, given that the city is essentially already built, so we don't have many opportunities to test these kinds of things," says Antoine Guillou, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of waste management, recycling and sanitation. He adds: "The idea is to test the separation of urine, and to see if it can be collected and used as fertiliser."

The new neighbourhood in Paris' 14th arrondissement will comprise around 600 households, "which is quite a considerable size for an experiment but is small compared to the whole of Paris", Guillou points out.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 2 points 4 months ago

It's great - scratches the itch, overall. I sometimes pine for places where major debates on a specific topic constantly rage - ideally, I'd be able to discuss religion whenever I wanted, skipping threads I felt I didn't want to wade into....

But it is a good enough replacement overall and I feel like we are proceeding to having such a size. I am also open to the idea that I have not curated enough to find a place where this si consistently happening in the Fediverse yet...

I was a fairly active member at Reddit with a good social standing, I made 1 “controversial” comment and I got perma-banned… this sucks.

There have been some controversies that have led to banning and banning of entire instances. Usually, this involves Lemmy instances that were tolerating a lot of blatant transphobic memes that cut deep and were very mean...

I get why people isolated them.

I am still worried, though, that there are people who would still react this way to good faith discussion where there are disagreements. While there are some places where that is for sure OK, I think there are some instances that might react so negatively as to want to ban a specific user or their instance over it. I may be overreacting but IDK.

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 11 points 4 months ago

... As a Christian, I approve.

The idea that the government should run off of some merciless view that the principles of free market capitalism dictate who eats and who doesn't is completely bizarre.

I have nothing against capitalist Christians who think that the principles of capitalism are generally fine and that, otherwise, we have an obligation as Christians to feed the poor and it just so happens to not be the role of government, but any explicitly Christian state has to feed the poor.


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah - A woman was escorted off of a Delta flight after she was told her clothing was "too revealing." Now, she's calling for change.

In January, Lisa Archbold was flying out of Salt Lake City to San Francisco when she was told to get off the plane after everyone was boarded and quiet.

She claims she was told by flight staff that she needed to "cover up" due to her clothing.

"She came to my seat and loudly asked to speak to me in private and escorted me off the plane as though I was a criminal," Archbold said. "I felt it was a spectacle aimed at punishing me for not being a woman the way she thought I should be a woman."

Archbold, who identifies as queer, says she was dressed like a little boy in baggy pants and a shirt.

She posted on "X," formerly known as Twitter, a photo of her outfit.

Archbold says Delta told her it's their policy that women need to cover up. She was told if she put on a jacket, she could fly. So, Archbold complied.

Now, she and her attorney are calling on the airline to change their policy.

"Delta's contract of carriage says that Delta may remove a passenger when reasonably necessary for the ‘comfort or safety of passengers.’ For example, when ‘the passengers conduct, attire, hygiene, or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers,'" said Archbold. "Please explain how wearing a t-shirt without a bra causes ‘an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance.’"

[-] Lovstuhagen@hilariouschaos.com 1 points 5 months ago

It does exist here.

I opposed its legalization... but supported its existence in practice. In fact, I need its existence... Medical technology has created a lot of complicated situations because we have the ability to keep people alive to carry on in suffering even when there is no hope of recovery.

It is the unspoken duty of a modern doctor to deliver a coup de grace when this point has been reached - I think even without asking permission. The old Greek or Mexican lady with a cross around her neck and the Priest coming to visit her and deliver communion can never assent to be euthanized.... She needs her doctor to read the situation and to send her off when recovery is impossible and only suffering remains.

When we make it a process that requires her consent & signature, we deny her a peaceful death...

And, when we legalize it, we open the door to some upsetting things, like the euthanization of people for merely mental health conditions. There's something profoundly ugly & disturbing about someone in their 20s being put to death by a doctor for their mental anguish. Yes, mental suffering is very real, and it should absolutely be addressed... But, just like in the case of prostitution, it is just not something the state can set a moral precedent of approving of it when it happens.


After months of warnings, a recent UN-backed report offered hard statistical evidence that the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is turning into a man-made famine.

It has increased the pressure on Israel to fulfil its legal responsibilities to protect Palestinian civilians, and to allow adequate supplies of humanitarian aid to reach the people who need it.

The UN's most senior human rights official, Volker Türk, said in a BBC interview that Israel bore significant blame, and that there was a "plausible" case that Israel was using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza.

Mr Türk, who is the UN high commissioner for human rights, said that if intent was proven, that would amount to a war crime.

Israel's economy minister, Nir Barkat, a senior politician in Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, dismissed Mr Türk's warnings as "total nonsense - a totally irresponsible thing to say".


The population of the United Kingdom rose by nearly seven per cent between 2011 and 2022 to an estimated 67.6 million, an increase of over four million people mostly as a result of the mass migration policies of the supposedly Conservative government.

Population figures released on Tuesday from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the first snapshot of the country’s size since the 2021 Census, found that the population of the UK rose by 6.7 per cent to an estimated 67,596,281 people by mid-2022 from just a little over a decade prior in mid-2011.

England saw the largest increase of the four UK nations, jumping by 7.5 per cent over the time period, or an increase of four million people, the ONS said.


The scam was propagated through a YouTube video and manipulated with AI and voice cloning technology to appear as if Trudeau was promoting a cryptocurrency exchange and an investment platform aimed at “helping Canadians safeguard their financial future.”

“I thought, ‘It’s got to be legitimate, it’s got to be perfect. If not, how could you get the prime minister?’ So I thought, ‘It’s got to be official,'” Stephen Henry told CTV.

Henry initially invested $250, but then continued to invest his savings, believing his investments had grown to over $40,000 in value.

(He initially put in $12,000)

When Henry tried unsuccessfully to withdraw some of his money, he realized he’d been scammed.

“Now, I’m ripped off of all my chances of ever making a life. That was all the money I had,” he said.


Featuring one of the craziest tweets ever (Shmuley advertising his daugther's kosher fetish website using Candace's name as a discount code)


Amazing stuff here


Republican former President Donald Trump just endorsed a country music inspired-print of the Christian bible one day after he compared himself to Jesus online as he attended a pretrial hearing on Monday.

Trump made the announcement on Tuesday around noon on his social media company, now listed on the Nasdaq, Truth Social.


"And the Attorney General of New York knew that Trump’s property values were inflated because when it came time to pay taxes, Trump undervalued the very same properties. It was all part of a very specific real estate practice known as lying," Stewart quipped on the Monday, March 25, installment of the Daily Show.

The 77-year-old was found liable for fraud and was subsequently ordered to pay roughly $454 million dollars including interest. However, O'Leary argued against the penalty, claiming Trump was guilty of something "every real estate developer everywhere on Earth" had done.

"Leave it to Kevin O’Leary to be unaware enough to say the quiet part out loud," the television show host replied after the clip.

"I am surprised to hear this from Kevin O’Leary," the television show host admitted. "I’m surprised to hear that he’s so chill about overvaluing something that he thinks is victimless because when someone tries to do that to him…"

"The f------ entitled arrogance!" he exclaimed. "I don’t know if you know this, but most people just can’t commit fraud and expect to face no repercussions, even if everyone’s doing it."

This is actually a totally non-response to the real implication of what has been stated: Trump is facing fraud charges for something that is basically common practice in the real estate world.

Completely unconvincing.


Ben Gvir saluted the officer who killed the boy. “This is exactly how you should act against terrorists – with determination and precision,” he said.

In a statement, Israeli Border Police claimed violent riots broke out in the camp and that during the unrest, a single shot was fired by an officer towards a suspect “who endangered the forces while firing aerial fireworks in their direction.”

However, the video of the moment Halhouli shot the fireworks gives no indication that Israeli forces were in any danger.


According to some reports, 650,000 men of draft age have left Ukraine since the start of the special operation. About 1,300 evaders were brought to trial last year, but officials admit that this is only a small fraction of those who avoid the draft.

At the same time, Kiev continues to delay the adoption of a mobilisation law that would allow it to increase its army by 400,000 men. The authorities fear that the highly unpopular measure could have far-reaching consequences.

This isn't even the worst of it.

Check this out:

About 3.4 million Ukrainian men of conscription age are hiding from the authorities for fear of being mobilised into the ranks of the Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU). This was reported by MP, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development Dmytro Natalukha.


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