So you're an incel demonizing other incels ?
But it doesn't appeal to GIT users, Git favours a Bazaar style development
You ARE playing the game after all
Noooooo don't Just Google it try, Use a Search Engine or just WebSearch it
Dont't make Google an integral part of internet culture
Who's gonna tell these Libtards (aka the DeathCult) that Israelis are not Jewish & Arabs, they're European (just like the Americanos & the Austrailianos)
There's no such thing as a "Free Market"
Try Nationalism/Jingoism; Patriots actually stand up to their own country's BS
Ohhhhh nooooo it's always the "everything bad in America is because of communism" gag
Average Grandaddy Stable distro hater
Exactly, when people at the top fight for people at the bottom, you need to show your support Because that person will not be allowed to remain at the top
Casinos & Gacha games
Sup Sex-offending creep