
joined 1 month ago
[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

u/spez, CEO of Reddit

AKA the greediest little pigboy who ever lived

[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

can't wait to sink my teeth into that game... right after I finally get around to getting better PC parts

tried the demo and the framerate was noticeably bad even after messing about with the settings

I mainly blame myself for putting up with Intel integrated graphics until now, but then again, putting "texture quality" below "very high" removes the characters' pupils, so maybe the game's just poorly optimised 🀷

[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

He is somewhat right about the ethics of true crime content, but that has nothing to do with him reporting lies as fact.

The better play would've been to be upfront with everything being fictional, then go all in - make stories about prisoners using wormholes to smuggle in contraband, or a vampire hunter accidentally killing an innocent human.

If Paul did something like that, he could have kept the channel and made his argument on there to a much wider audience. But maybe this idea would be too much effort for someone who makes AI slop...

[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

if you only play one card, you can hold more steel/gold/blue seal cards in your hand

this doesn't matter much for winning normal runs, but if you happen to get jokers that buff steel cards (i.e. Mime and Baron), copy said jokers, find ways to increase your hand size, and make every card in your deck the same card, you can get absurdly high scores and get really far into endless mode

my current high score is 6.817x10^98, which I got with a really good high card plasma deck run

again though, you do need to find exactly the right jokers for this, so building around any other hand type is almost always more reliable for winning ante 8

[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

doesn't seem to be much activity in this thread, which doesn't give me hope... reguardless, I thought I'd make some pixel art for this

I don't mind if these actually get used or not, since making these designs was pretty good practice - I'd be happy to whip up a higher res version of any of these and/or make tweaks if there's interest, though

for the first icon design, I tried to follow the gooped-up AI button layout as closely as possible while making it look like something you could actually hold, and I kept the general colour scheme the same - originally, I was going to keep the same orientation, too, but figured out quickly that it was too hard to be worth it at this scale

in the second icon, I removed the random squiggles / half-buttons and fit stuff in places that made sense for a real controller, though I didn't follow a reference for this to try keep the controller generic - this is my personal favourite

the third is my attempt at mixing the lemmy icon's features with design 2 - it turned out better than I expected, but I'm not sure how much it reads as a lemming, especially at smaller scales

to change it up, the fourth design has the lemmy icon in a gamer headset, which is technically more inclusive to people who don't use controllers, but also loses some of the recognisability from the previous icon (there's a twitter joke in here somewhere)

finally, the fifth design is just number 4's lemming before I covered up the ears - I mainly included this since there's no reason not to

[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

I agree the econ jokers are in an odd spot (I usually store them all the way on the left), but the Ceremonial Dagger has to eat the Egg.

Most of the other weird joker order shenanigans are caused by Baseball Card, so blame Jim Joker, not me.

Also, Jimbo needs to be in position 149. For optimal reasons.


Image TranscriptionOne of every Joker from the game Balatro in a specific order with labelled categories. Each Joker has a number that refers to its position.

Jokers 1 to 10 are in a category named "The Bluestorm Machine". They are Blueprint, Hallucination, Perkeo, Cartomancer, Burnt Joker, DNA, Triboulet, Mail-In Rebate, Hiker, and Brainstorm.

Jokers 11 and 12 are in a category named "In-Hand Chips Jokers". They are Scary Face and Odd Todd.

Jokers 13 and 14 are in a category named "In-Hand Chips & Mult Jokers". They are Scholar and Walkie-Talkie.

Jokers 15 to 20 are in a category named "In-Hand Mult Jokers". They are Even Steven, Smiley Face, Wrathful Joker, Lusty Joker, Gluttonous Joker, and Greedy Joker.

Jokers 21 and 22 are in a category named "PHOTOCHAD". They are Photograph and Hanging Chad.

The face of Glass Joker can be seen through the hole in the Hanging Chad.

Jokers 23 to 29 are in a category named "Flat Chips Jokers". They are Ice Cream, Sly Joker, Wily Joker, Clever Joker, Devious Joker, Crafty Joker, and Stuntman.

Jokers 30 to 34 are in a category named "Scaling Flat Chips Jokers". They are Banner, Blue Joker, Runner, Square Joker, and Wee Joker.

Jokers 35 to 45 are in a category named "Flat Mult Jokers". They are Half Joker, Misprint, Ride the Bus, Popcorn, Gros Michel, Jolly Joker, Zany Joker, Mad Joker, CrazyJoker, Droll Joker, and Mystic Summit.

Jokers 46 to 51 are in a category named "Scaling Flat Mult Jokers". They are Green Joker, Red Card, Supernova, Fortune Teller, Swashbuckler, and Abstract Joker.

Jokers 52 to 56 are in a category named "Uncommon Scaling Flat Mult Jokers". They are Bootstraps, Flash Card, Spare Trousers, Erosion, and Ceremonial Dagger.

Jokers 57 to 63 are in a category named "Econ Jokers That Do Something". They are Egg, Gift Card, To Do List, Faceless Joker, Cloud 9, Delayed Gratification, and Golden Joker.

The To-Do List Joker has been edited slightly to make it more clear that the list on it spells out "JOKER" vertically.

Joker 64 is in a category named "Matador". It is Matador.

Jokers 65 and 66 are in a category named "NASA". They are Satellite and Rocket.

Jokers 67 to 71 are in a category named "The New York Stock Exchange". They are To the Moon, Golden Ticket, Credit Card, Reserved Parking, and Business Card.

Jokers 72 and 73 are in a category named "Now Playing: Tears for Fears - Mad World". They are Pareidolia and Riff-Raff.

Jokers 74 and 75 are in a category named "ROSCOSMOS". They are Space Joker and Astronomer.

Jokers 76 and 77 are in a category named "I spilled my soda :(". They are Diet Cola and Splash.

Jokers 78 to 89 are in a category named "Show and Tell". They are Luchador, Trading Card, Vagabond, 8 Ball, Sixth Sense, SΓ©ance, Showman, Oops! All 6s, Mr. Bones, Midas Mask, Marble Joker, and Certificate.

Jokers 90 to 95 are in a category named "Mr Bean and the Handy Bandits". They are Burglar, Troubadour, Drunkard, Juggler, Merry Andy, and Turtle Bean.

Jokers 96 to 99 are in a category named "POV: u lose ur quantum entangled glasses in the middle of Straight Flush City". They are Superposition, Smeared Joker, Four Fingers, and Shortcut.

Jokers 100 to 106 are in a category named "Fibonacci's Cool Artifact Collection". They are Fibbonacci, Arrowhead, Bloodstone, Onyx Agate, Rough Gem, Ancient Joker, and The Idol.

Jokers 107 to 110 are in a category named "Now Playing: Daft Punk - One More Time". They are Seltzer, Hack, Dusk, and Sock and Buskin.

Jokers 111 to 113 are in a category named "The High Court". They are Mime, Shoot the Moon, and Baron.

Jokers 114 to 116 are in a category named "Uncommon Scaling Flat Mult Jokers Who Feel Very Lost". They are Castle, Bull, and Stone Joker.

Jokers 117 to 126 are in a category named "Madness and The Mult Multing Jokers That I Want It To Eat Because They're Bad / Edible". They are Madness, Obelisk, Vampire, Loyalty Card, Joker Stencil, Flower Pot, Seeing Double, Blackboard, Ramen, and Cavendish.

Jokers 127 to 129 are in a category named "Mult Multing Jokers That I Want To Survive". They are Card Sharp, Acrobat, and Driver's License.

Jokers 130 to 134 are in a category named "The Reunion". They are The Duo, The Trio, The Family, The Order, and The Tribe.

Jokers 135 to 144 are in a category named "Scaling Mult Multing Jokers". They are Throwback, Hit The Road, Hologram, Steel Joker, Campfire, Lucky Cat, Glass Joker, Constellation, Canio, and Yorick.

Hanging Chad can be seen behind the Glass Joker because it's transparent.

Joker 145 is in a category named "idk where to put this". It is Raised Fist.

Jokers 146 and 147 are in a category named "Your Weird Uncle and His Life's Savings". They are Chaos the Clown and Baseball Card.

Joker 148 is in a category named "The Rock". It is Invisible Joker.

Joker 149 is in a category named "Jimbo". It is Joker.

Barely visible under the category name, "(Jimbussy)" is written.

Joker 150 is in a category named "THRONE OF THE GOAT". It is Chicot.


Yes I know, Cartomancer and Hiker should be to the right of the flat mult because Baseball Card makes both give x1.5 mult - I made the decision early on that it's better to have them in The Bluestorm Machine so that their effects can be more easily copied, and it would take way too much effort to rearrange them now.

I'm tempted to make another version of this that ignores Baseball Card entirely so that other uncommmons could be to the left of the flat mult, but again, I (should) value my time, and I don't think Uncle Chaos would approve anyway.

For those who think the image transcription made this post too legible, here's the whole thing reformatted as one long, extremely compressed image instead:

[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

As others have said, Balatro does not lie to you - the listed odds are always right. But there are some ways to stack the odds in your favor outside of the obvious deckbuilding.

Namely, if you are holding a certain Joker, Planet, Tarot, or Spectral card, you will never see another copy of that card anywhere else through normal means. I'm also fairly certain Jokers, Planets, Tarots, and Spectrals that are currently in the shop offerings will not appear in their respective packs in the shop.

What this means is that you can slightly influence what you get by holding cards you don't want. This is less useful for Jokers and Spectrals, but if you're holding 2 Tarot cards and there are 2 in the shop, opening an Arcana pack gives you a 1/18 chance for each Tarot to be the one you're looking for instead of a 1/22. Same goes for Celestial Packs, but there aren't that many Planets, which makes the odds that much better.

This also means if you win with the hand you want to level up and have a Blue Seal card in hand, you should use the Planet before you cash out and go to the shop so that it can appear again.

The only exceptions to this that I can think of are having the Telescope voucher, which 100% guarantees that a Celestial Pack will have your most played hand's Planet, having a Showman, which can even make the same card appear twice in one pack, or the Invisible Joker, which can show up again after you've sold it even if you keep the duped joker around.

On getting PhotoChad set up, my only advice is to pick up Riff-Raff (or skip for 2 common Jokers if you're feeling real desperate) if you already have one of the two, and try to use Tarots to make your deck lean towards face cards. Similar advice for Lucky Cards - either get lucky and pick up Oops! All 6s or anything that retriggers cards, or don't rely on them hitting to survive the next two seconds.

Finally, the Wheel never hits, except when you have a food joker that dies next round. Then it guaranteed hits on the food joker. /s

p.s. You say you'll be "starved for either chips or mult" on Plasma? Unless I'm reading you wrong, the whole thing with Plasma is you don't need to worry about getting both numbers up; you've gotta go all in on Chips early, since it's easy to get a lot added with a few Jokers, then pivot to Mult late game if you can.

[–] Miner_Fabs@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

kinda crazy that they made it impossible to follow the only rule