I have zero sympathy for anyone who supported or still support Trump. They deserve pain. It’s the only language they understand.
Only Nazis hate Canadians. Because we are very good at destroying Nazis. It’s our national past time.
As a rule of thumb I don’t travel to countries run by dictatorships and have no fair judicial systems .
There’s a lot of ignorant people out there so yeah, technically LLM is smarter than most people.
So trumps followers have Trump derangement syndrome. Makes sense.
Don't mess with Canada and we won't mess with you.
The US is no longer a member of the 'free world'. Traveling to US now is just as dangerous as travelling to China.
It's funny because the Republicans are the ones suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
KKK aren't the only ones who can run militias.
Kneel down and beg.
Too bad. Get f***ed. Haha. They deserve it.