I think these Trump/Kamala tweets have 1 important message with 2 secondary meanings:

  1. Nothing big will happen before the November 5th US general election. There's too much on the line, politically, for the powers that be.
  2. He's simply posting who he thinks will win the November election, not who he's actually advocating, perhaps even indicating Trump is evil (666).
  3. RC sex-related tweets have been associated with price improvement, so perhaps RC expects a Kamala administration to benefit Gamestop and/or his broader plans. Also there's no US presidential election in 2069, with 2068 & 2072 being the closest. Sorry Greg.

Other speculation: His picture with Javier Milei, president of Argentina, was bizzare. Policy & personality aside, Milei won the November 19, 2023 elections and is an outspoken supporter of cryptocurrency. Could this be another timeline and/or blockchain clue?

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 18 points 3 months ago

Discord is OK for real-time chat or VC, but is awful for forum-like discussions. Comment-specific context is lost in the single-threaded noise and search is borderline useless. The true forum-designed format of Lemmy, Reddit, and predecessors is far and away better. In my opinion Twitter - the legacy, ubiquity and tech - would be a better forum than Discord. That was hard to type and I need to quickly bleach my fingers.

  1. Where did DFV come up with this much money? Has he been quietly KILLING IT earning tens of millions with other investments the past 3 years? How would an average guy earn that much cash in such a relatively short period of time?

-- Observation: The price of his calls & cash on hand is somewhat similar to GME's drop in cash/equivalents. -- Speculation: Is DFV being funded by Gamestop?

  1. DFV continues to use the "power" icon in his memes, and everyone seems to assume it means Gamestop. The company, however, doesn't use the power icon for any current marketing or registered trademarks - you can't actually, it's an IEC recognized symbol based on binary (1, 0). IIRC it used to be loosely affiliated with the PowerUp rewards program marketing, but PowerUp rewards has been defunct for years, with the company using the unified "GS" moniker for brevity. The Gamestop website's favicon is currently the power icon, however this is the default for any Salesforce Demandware e-commerce site, and as a result many other sites share the same favicon. Question: Can anyone find a link to any Gamestop branding or marketing using the power symbol, past or present?
  • Speculation: Could DFV be slyly referring to something else entirely?
  • The power symbol appears in other posts, never in the "12 o'clock" orientation... Signs, Always Sunny, etc. are all askew, even when they could've been aligned properly. With the exception of...
  • In his post from May 15 @ 8:45am Eastern with a scene from Ozark (season 3), the picture above the mantle is the power sign upside down, Q-like. She later defiantly turns it right side-up, returning it to the typical form of line/1 on top.
  • From this scene she illegally enters her family's old home, has moments of sentimentality, then becomes mischievous - turning the current family's portrait upside down & adding food coloring to their milk.
  • Why? Referring to introducing chaos for other companies in various stages of bankruptcy (...Q ticker symbols)?*

I'm just waiting for the story to unfold, but also very entertained and enjoy attempting to dissect these potential puzzles.

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm going to suggest possibly irresponsible advice, but step 1 - you need to solve your depression and porn addiction, and ASAP. For that you could try therapy, and/or psilocybin or DMT... Not a heroic dose, but enough to get introspective from an altered POV. Therapy is the obvious long-term recommendation, but the psychedelic route may get you there faster, and you might learn a few things, such as your social obstructions or root causes.

Second, you need a close friend, at least one, preferably one who is also your desired romantic demographic. Maybe not someone who you'd normally "go for", but who you'd be happy spending time with - platonically, romantically, whatever it does not matter. The goal is to ground yourself with empathy for that person, and they for you too.

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 67 points 3 months ago

It's back up now. They apparently use Bing as the backend search and Microsoft fsck'd it for a few hours: https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/23/24163094/microsoft-bing-search-outage-copilot-duckduckgo-chatgpt

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 8 points 5 months ago

Woodworker in US here, and I prefer metric. Also consider the thickness of plywood is actually in metric now - "3/4" is actually 18 mm but they have to market it as 23/32.

I've chosen to join the other 8 billion people on earth.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by MossyHabitat@lemmy.world to c/drs_your_gme@lemmy.whynotdrs.org

TL;DR up top: RC may have recently emerged from a possible health crisis, with a renewed impetus to cement his legacy & seize the day, ready to commence with his plans.

Please poke holes in this theory. I hope RC hasn't had a crisis, but it may explain some things. If true, he appears to be on the mend so my stance remains optimistic & bullish regarding GME & all possible ventures of RC.

Everyone was commenting on reddit that something is off about Pulte's original pic; that RC almost looked fake, and without hands/fingers showing perhaps it was AI-generated. I agree, something is off. My first reaction: I've seen this look before. I brushed off the initial pessimism and began to assess it rationally.

  • Unanimous observation that he appears thinner
  • Receded hair line
  • Heterochromia (right eye blue, left brown), but may be lense flare.
  • This is the first image of him we've seen since November 20, 2022 when he did his GMEDD interview.
  • RC pump & dump case continually delayed since July of 2023. Objectively baseless, this should've been dismissed late last year but the wheels of justice are turning inexplicably slowly.

Unfortunately I've seen the effects of chemo on one's skin. It can give faces a grey-ish "uncanny valley" wax-statue look, with darker leathery skin in the extremities. This was my first impression of RC's face - that he's recovering from chemotherapy. Let's break down the other observations:

  • Thin. Granted, he's not an inherently bulky guy, but compared to his previous appearances he looks like he just returned from a Mexican ayahuasca retreat where he fasted in a sweat lodge for a few weeks. If he actually did, lets hope the experience has granted him the mental clarity and revelations he was seeking.
  • Receding hair line can be accelerated by biologic stressors, but this could also be genetic factors, shorter hair accentuation, and the fact that we haven't seen him in 466 days
  • Heterochromia: one of his eyes looks blue-ish. This may be due to camera lens flare, but I'm uncertain it'd have this effect on rendering the contrast of an eyeball. Perhaps photographers or those familiar with image processing can chime in. Regardless, heterochromia is a known effect of chemotherapy.
  • Not that it's expected, but his hands are hidden in each picture. Is this deliberate? The effects of chemo can be very pronounced in hands, making them look dark and leathery.

This is conjecture on top of speculation, but consider these points as well:

  • In the GMEDD interview, RC said he doesn't want to ever be CEO again. He gets too absorbed into the job and it destroys his work-life balance. We may be witnessing the physical toll of being the CEO of Gamestop. With his wealth he has the option of never stressing about anything, ever again. Instead, he has chosen to see the mission through & help secure our investments. For that, I am extremely grateful. If he took on that role while also undergoing treatment... I cannot fathom.
    • I'm still dismayed he took on the CEO role. My only interpretation is that it is a temporary gambit due to imminent M&A.
  • The P&D class action against him has been dragging on forever. The claim is baseless and holds even less (approaching log 0?) merit considering the shares were extinguished AND he never exceeded the 10% threshold, considering options don't equate to ownership & stock buy-backs, likely fraudulent, were a contributing factor. Yet the judge continues to delay the case, month after month. Could it be the delays were at RC's request due to his health? If so, perhaps the next court date won't be delayed, finally?

Not to be dismissed as shillery, I think the leap day pictures indicate optimism - he's likely on the mend. The fact that he has hair, albeit short, and is in the presence of others in public (not in isolation) bodes well to this speculative prognosis - chemo nukes your immune system and, much like AIDS, a common cold could become life-threatening. His hair is also short; chemo doesn't always result in hair loss, but his short hair could indicate a recent re-emergence of hair follicle growth.

TL;DR up top: RC may have recently emerged from a possible health crisis, with a renewed impetus to cement his legacy & seize the day, ready to commence with his plans.

...or I may be a moron who watched too much Dr. House, MD back in the day.


There's some dk-butterfly-related excitement and speculative hype around next week which will likely be a nothing-burger, but this is the promise of GME-affecting news (for better or worse), considering Microsoft's initiative to no longer sell physical game "tokens" (that's all the discs are these days).

This reminds me of RC's tweet/reply on July 17th 2023 to Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, saying "Satya, GameStop is a large Microsoft customer. I've been trying to reach you and being ignored."

We can only hope this is good news. Perhaps the broader Xbox community's massive negative feedback regarding this revelation has forced Microsoft to either A) reverse the decision and promise continued physical game discs/tokens, or B) reveal their future plans for cryptographic game authorization tokens, IE NFTs, which might provide answers (or somehow tie into) regarding GME's cancelled NFT marketplace & Playr.

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

Although it'd be poetic justice & would force the general public into awareness of the fraud at play, we have to assume anything which happens must be of service to the new company - they won't just give away equity as a gesture of goodwill. A credit bid or legal decree could catalyze a chain reaction which leads to a black swan event, but anything outside of "business justification" or precedent will present a legal (or legislative) liability; IE, a loophole to shutdown the ensuing madness.

The ongoing fraud investigation presents a massive "undo" button for this entire mess, though. If fraud is determined to be a cause of BBBY's bankruptcy then something vaguely resembling what you describe is possible. Until then, I'd assume redemption would only come in the format of a credit bid or legal settlement, because as of now BBBY/Q shares are extinguished & dk-butterfly is a legal entity of the bankruptcy process.

Everything is speculation & we simply don't have all the info yet - there are too many positive indications, unanswered questions & seemingly nonsensical factors for this NOT to be significant. Hell, it appears even the big boys like JPM & whoever has Gasparino by the sack is clouded in confusion too. Those who know are battling major players and likely have obfuscated as much as possible, deployed red herrings, and proxied tactical elements through multiple layers - one mis-step and their play may be in jeopardy. All we need to do is relax, not get too invested in one particular theory (of many), and let the titans battle this out.

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

My comment was from a place of empathy regarding his possible situation, but it doesn't mean we should encourage Edwin or put his ramblings on a pedestal. Also autism isn't a mental disability, but schizophrenia is and is manageable with the proper diagnosis. I appreciate the pattern-seeking efforts (a symptom of schizophrenia - hyper-vigilence & pattern-seeking; blame snakes for honing our ancestor's brains), but his latest stuff is practically nonsensical - aside the already nonsensical Qanon stuff. I didn't realize he had gone off the deep end until reading into his Dr Eyeball thing this morning - I had to go to TwitterX for the full-res image of the texts, and I actually didn't see anything concerning in Eyeball's messages... Which led me to review Edwin's other stuff and was appalled. Everything I read of Edwin's tried to, poorly, to link every conspiracy theory thread to every other similar thread, and a dash of our stocks too. I'm all for entertaining the possibility of some theories where actual evidence exists, valid unanswered questions, etc. but his recent posts are just... Unsubstantiated and lacking in links between points A, B & C of any sort. I hope he is OK.

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

Is this really just a screenshot, not even a link? C'mon....

  1. We're here on Lemmy due to a dislike of formerly-Twitter/X (and neo-Reddit, etc.).
  2. At least provide a fucking link, preferably to a copy on Spotify or Youtube - something which doesn't require an account to listen.
  3. Mind summarizing what about this specific stream excited you enough to post a screenshot?

This post is just lazy & useless. As an aside I really wish Sal & Jake2b didn't exclusively post to formerly-Twitter/X. It is a terrible platform with an incredibly large concentration of equally terrible people.


For several years I've used a Raspberry Pi Zero for sensors, camera & door motor control which opens & closes a chicken coop door. The Rpi & controller is 5v, the motor is 12v. This has been powered by around 50' of extension cord, but the elements are beginning to weather the cord & we also need to move the chickens further away from our mains. I think it is time to implement solar. I aspire to assemble a PV, battery, & converter system which:

  • Uses an off-the-shelf 12v PV panel (30w or so)
  • Uses LiFePO cells for heat resiliency & stability
  • Provides both 12v & 5v power
  • Isn't proprietary; uses standard, easily-sourced components... unless it meets specs perfectly & isn't terribly expensive.
  • Minimal power draw; at most 2 amps @ 12v for 10 seconds twice daily.

Does anyone have suggestions regarding this configuration, know of a post, blog, or video which does something similar, or is willing to ID components you'd recommend for this project?

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

I don't use headphones often, but when I do its' via wired headphones. I had to buy a USB-C-to-3.5mm adapter, but the max volume is half of what my old phone with a 3.5mm jack could deliver.

Cheap wireless devices like headphones are way too finicky and prone to breakage, not to mention the battery lifespan is just a few years. I've had my nice wired headphones for 10 years.

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

Disappointed people are not shills. We must refrain from a cult of personality, because the types which gravitate to that spotlight are usually disappointing. This event was rife with "cult of personality" which turns me off completely. But I acknowledge that some people are jazzed by such things as this event, HS pep rallies, religious services, etc. I'm just here for the DD, analysis, and a few hits of tin.

I think Pulte likes to play off the community hype around ice cream & 741. It was obviously orchestrated & he's a hype man who aspires to to deliver what the crowd likes. Is there actual significance around 741 & ice cream? Perhaps, or maybe there used to be, or nothing at all - but it's community symbolism none the less.

LC's participation was the one sticky point for me. Even after sleeping in it I'm still of a mind that RC is trying to placate the most currently active sub-group of his investment followers until D-Day, and likely convinced LC to make an appearance to pacify & intrigue this audience in lieu of himself.

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I haven't watched more than a few minutes of the actual PP show before but this seemed significant enough that I had it on in the background while finishing up work. Thoughts:

  • Whole thing occurs at a windy airport tarmac, with a stage & everyone waiting. Pulte & PP arrive by helicopter. Why? Why that place, why a chopper? Pulte highlights he paid for the heli ride, not paid by participants' $500 tickets. Chopper remains in the background the whole time. Is it vanity, or a clue?
  • Holy fuck Kais shouldn't be on the stage. I still don't know why he's significant.
  • Lots of promotion of PHM
  • Lots of circle jerking. Konga line of it.
  • Houston Wade is weirded out and doesn't seem to be buying the production. He's stuck on stage, poor guy.
  • Pulte says he is NOT involved with bbby or Teddy in any way, but says he'd invest 1m if RC lets him. Someone calls him out that he could invest a lot more than that, and has dropped several million in Twitter/X.
  • Pulte shoots down every bit of tinfoil theories about him, no validity to any of it.
  • LC attended virtually, talked for 5 min. Pulte made it clear LC will not be discussing any publicly traded companies. LC comments about the helicopter... The damn chopper again - was LC subtly calling Pulte vain, or is this a coordinated reinforcement of a clue? Leaning towards the former. Most of what LC says is about RC. I'm really surprised he agreed to be a part of this... And why LC? Did RC convince LC to do this as a consolation prize to placate the PP crowd? LC is the GME investor furthest from bbby, at least as far as we currently know. Was RC a consolation prize delivered by RC?

This has left me very confused. I try to keep an open mind about Pulte but this made me dislike him more... Everything he said was the most meaningless generalizations delivered in the style of a pseudo-politician. He's a trust fund-ed 35 yo who looks 50... But RC keeps liking Pulte's tweets and then LC. My BS sensor is detecting a presence, but the signals are too mixed IMO. Is this all a make-a-wish production for Pulte, with RC & LC humoring a dying man-child? I kid, but this whole thing is just so unexplainably strange.

Still don't care for PP though, sorry. His app idea is just dumb, but I think Pulte is funding it.


[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

With Lemmy there's distinct difference between the frontend/UI & backend (the application itself, & data storage). Lemmy is primarily the backend, but they allow anyone to create a frontend (or mobile app, browser extension, etc.) to interface with it. Lemmy does come with a default web UI which sucks, and this is where Kbin rose to initial popularity with a slightly better web UI. Now there is a robust ecosystem of apps like Voyager or Sync which are quite good and far more enjoyable to use, even when compared to Reddit's official app.

Good news is the web UI can change, and you can experiment with other federated instances which uses different web UIs.

Lemmy's main problem is a lack of user base and content. I've lurked daily on Reddit for 13 years without an account, but with Lemmy I'm choosing to vote, comment & post to help get the "ball rolling". Reddit had the same problem initially, and the creators & friends busted their asses with alt accounts to give the impression of a larger user base... Until Digg imploded

[-] MossyHabitat@lemmy.world 11 points 9 months ago

PP's app idea as a forum is the stupidest shit he's said yet. He forgets that he isn't the main character of this community, and it was simply dumb luck and circumstance that led to his handle/name being in the subreddit's name we all congregated in. I fear he's trying to capitalize/monetize on his 15 minutes, and this isn't the way. I'm not installing a "PP app", but I would actually donate money to someone(s) wanting to stand up a dedicated "stonks"** lemmy server. Hopefully we have a conclusion to this story before the ambitious dev intern who offered their services has a prod release.

** FoilVesting? FTDville? Or default to the existing WhyDRS ?


For several years both Reddit and Lego have been teasing the notion of an IPO. Meanwhile RobinHood, for example, went from kicking the IPO tires to a live ticker in a matter of months; the process doesn't need to take years.

What if today's banishment of r/thePPshow wasn't due to bad behavior, but for the sake of OPTICS for what's around the corner? Imagine you're Reddit, secretly planning to IPO but in a novel, new way. Lo and behold, some pesky morons in a fringe but growing sub stumble upon & publish information on Reddit's own platform which hits too close for comfort, possibly seen as a legal liability for their and their business partners' plans?

Now imagine you're a business wanting to create a new blockchain-based securities exchange. This platform would need more than 1 company trading on it - as was originally the case with tZero for Overstock. Ideally you'd go to market with at least a handful of well-known companies on your exchange to add immediate legitimacy to your new platform.

I'm not saying Reddit is a likely member of the theorized "keiretsu" or M&A with BuyBuyBaby or GME, etc., but Reddit & Lego may be participants in this future blockchain exchange. They'd be at least 2 household names IPO/ICO'ing on the exchange to bring the required legitimacy and volume. Remember that legally it will be next to impossible for companies who've already committed their shares to the DTC and the legacy system to recall their shares & move them to an entirely new system. The new platform needs virgin companies (which can then acquire legacy companies).

Reddit & the Lego Group aren't dumb & are likely abundantly aware of risks in the US stock market - especially Reddit, which literally hosted origin story of our individual journeys. The last press on Reddit's potential IPO was from February in which it was said the IPO was "likely in the second half of 2023". There's been no word on which exchange, and all we know is they filed an IPO "confidential draft registration statement" with the SEC in late 2021.

Yes, Fidelity is a major investor in Reddit, as is Sequoia, but they also stand to profit from this play and may even consider such investments as hedges against an idiosyncratic risk in the legacy markets. This assumes they're not significantly exposed to the blast radius of rampant securities fraud. Aside from a few misinformed customer service reps and the 2M peek-a-boo GME shares available for loan, Fidelity is by and large one of the lesser evils (known) in the brokerage realm, has presented the least friction to DRSing, and is transparently reporting data most brokerages don't (although accuracy of that data isn't regulated). Maybe this dinosaur thinks it can survive the impending comet?


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