[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 61 points 3 weeks ago

Biggest argument people are going to have against this is reading the headline and then realizing most their retirement is in the form of unrealized gains. But if you then just read the qualifier of $100 million, you will quickly realize we are not talking about normal people here. We aren't even talking about normal rich people. We are talking about the 1% of 1% people.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 60 points 1 month ago

He needs a doctor, and fast. Best case scenario it is ulcerative collitis. Worst case he is getting an MRI of his brain and brainstem to find out it is a central tumor and will only be getting worse.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

In the army we called that lube the whale sperm. I'm not even joking. It is called LSA, and the cold weather one is LSA-T. But when you have a bunch of young 20's infantry guys we just called it the whale sperm.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 78 points 4 months ago

For those who don't know: when milk is milked out of the cow it goes through some processing, like pasteurization and separation. When milk separates the fat floates to the top and it is "skimmed" off. You can have 'whole' fat in your milk, as in they only take off the very top part of cream on top. Then you can have your 'skim' milk with no fat. Then you can add back in a percentage of the fat. This is where the most common 1% and 2% come in. In theory you can make whatever percentage milk you want. This is also where something like half and half comes in, half cream added back to half milk for a 50% ish mix.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 60 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The pyramids are made of granite. It has a density/weight of approximately 165 lb/cubic ft. As in, a 1x1x1 block weighs about 165 lbs. This block, assuming the standard person in this picture is about 5 ft (people have been getting taller over time) this block is maybe 20 ft cubed. Just an eyeball guess. That would put it at about 1,320,000 lbs.

The picture has 6 people deep carrying the first stone with what looks like maybe 4 people across? Hard to tell. But going off 6x4 people, that would mean that each person would have to carry 55,000 lbs each.

Would it be possible? I will let you guess from that. Next question, how many eggs to support it? After some google searches the textbook theoretical best an egg can support is some 300 lbs, but in practice is closer to 120-130 with support/positioning in place (think egg cartons holding them vs just on the ground). This would mean our 1,320,000 lb stone would take between 10,000 to 11,000 eggs to support it.

How long would it take to get that many eggs??? Good question. Chicken normally lay about an egg a day. So 10,000 chicken take 1 day, or 1 chicken would take about 10,000 days. But what is a realistic amount? Well, let me tell you. In the rabbit hole I found myself in of jokingly replying to this, I found an entire dissertation on "THE EXPLOITATION OF LIVE AVIAN RESOURCES IN PHARAONIC EGYPT: A SOCIO-ECONOMIC STUDY" BY ROZENN F. BAILLEUL-LESUER (JUNE 2016)

Captivating. Would recommend rabbiting down that hole. And on page 299 we can see that a Pharoah size flock would be about 2,000 Eurasia cranes or geese. So it would take us about a week to put that block in the picture on a bunch of eggs.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Voyager 1 contact restored (www.usatoday.com)
submitted 5 months ago by MrEff@lemmy.world to c/space@lemmy.world

Voyager 1 contact restored

Voyager 1 contact restored (www.usatoday.com)
submitted 5 months ago by MrEff@lemmy.world to c/science@lemmy.world

Voyager 1 contact restored

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 32 points 5 months ago

I always know someone doesn't know anything about Afghanistan and its people when they refer to them as Afghani's.

An Afghan is a person. Afghani is a currency. Anyone who calls them Afghani doesn't even know the right term to call the people. It is a giveaway to how little you know about them when you don't even know what to call them.

Meanwhile all the Chineses and Viet Congs are turning in their graves right next to the Afgani.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 31 points 5 months ago

Turkey 🇹🇷.


[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 172 points 6 months ago

Looking passed the absolutely insane answer here, no one has even brought up the whole issue of AC vs DC. Batteries are DC, while your fridge that plugs into your wall running on AC. I know they make DC ones, but it isn't like they are interchangeable.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 64 points 6 months ago

But that isn't the case here. The FAA is very clear, you must have the documents or you are in the wrong. That is it. You are only innocent by having the documents. To pass off a plane are good but not have its documents very clearly puts them guilty. There is no gray area here. The FAA and NTSB are very clear about this and who is at fault. When planes change hands or get work done, everything must be documented or it never happened. To then sell a plane and claim it was up to any spec, but without it being documented, then it isn't up to spec.

The only way to prove they are innocent is to have those documents. The documents were audited, they didn't have them, so they are being charged. They have been shown beyond any reasonable doubt that they did not have the required documents, otherwise there would have been no charges. The only way to prove their innocents is to show the documents that they failed to show in the audit, that they didn't have, that lead to the charges. The reasonable doubt was already established when they failed the audit.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 30 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Death from "old age" (talking about those 85+)is actually death from heart disease (number 1), cancer (2), alzheimers (3), or stroke (4).

Heart disease at end of life can be a drawn out pain with the heart not strong enough and it causes fluid to back into the lungs, the lead to death from pneumonia or some other breathing issue like COPD or some shit. It is pain for a few years with diminished quality of life and most days are spent just fighting to hang on. Those that die of a heart attack are the lucky ones if it is quick enough, but still pain and terror for several minutes at least.

Those that die from cancers at this age, well... it's cancer. Try and find anyone's story of having a peaceful time dieing from cancer when they are old.

The alzheimers deaths can take many forms. Anything from alzheimers dimentia and your brain deteriorating until it literally forgets how to function basic bodily functions like breathing; or it could be something like lewd body, where you are hallucinating most of the time trying to cope with a world that is literally changing in front of you by the minute with memories of your past blurred with imagination and nightmares that you can no longer suppress.

Then you have stroke patients. Most of these people have had multiple strokes by this age if this is how they are going out. This is where from the first strokes they have lost entire sections of their brain and lost major functions of things. For some it is as simple as loosing their speech and no longer able to physically talk. Others have a quite opposite loss, and lose their language. They talk all day and it is nothing but nonsense. Both groups are locked from communicating in meaningful ways and frustrated eternally. Therapy may restore some levels of communication but it all depends on several factors. Then there are the strokes that take out your hearing, vision, sections of memory, perceptions, you name it. Some of these people even suffer from a basilar stroke and are stuck with the ever terrifying "locked in" syndrome.

Of all of these, sure, you might want to hang of for a bit. But after your one person you have spent your life with, the one person who understands you, and the one person you have been fighting through all your daily pain for- they are going to die. Then why fight for more pain? Just go out with dignity and do it together. You can make an event out of it and let those around you know how good it has been and give people some closure.

[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 32 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Real context-

That dess/suit was made by the designer (Mugler) she has been wearing for a small series of outfits she has been wearing. This particular one was brought out of a museum just for this premiere and she even had to change out of it after doing the carpet walk. It was made in 1995, inspired by and modeled after the robot from Metropolis.

I know it is odd to have a bunch of nerds try and read about fashion, but it is interesting. It wasn't some "look at me not be a disney kid" thing.


[-] MrEff@lemmy.world 33 points 8 months ago

The copyright expires in 2044. The Perter Jackson series came out 2001-2003. From a studio point it is approaching the now or never time. They need to make one within the next few years to be able to make a 3rd one just before the end of copyright. From a studio buisness perspective this makes sense and is kind of a no-brainer.

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