What Zionists are doing to Palestine is 100% comparable. Fuck off.
Yes I get offended when glib liberals both sides a fucking genocide.
You are no better than fucking Nazis.
This goes through my mind every time I read, hear or think the words "but at what cost?"
Israeli anarchists are pro Palestine though.
That last part also applies to Crimea.
That happened when I was in the midst of a completely shattered understanding of geopolitics and was piecing things back together with the help of Lenin and co. but I distinctly remember thinking back then "this seems really important but I am distrustful of the narrative that Russia is this cartoon villain invading and annexing people at gunpoint without firing a shot" simply because I had seen how that works in practice the many times the US has ultimately tried to do the same thing (or at least that was always the stated intent with narratives around "Nation Building").
Now obviously Russia is not an altruistic actor here and the Russian government is extremely socially reactionary and corrupt, but that doesn't matter when you're in eastern Ukraine seeking self determination and under siege by a bunch of fascist paramilitaries with the tacit approval of their US backed government that rose to power in a CIA coup.
I'm a white dude from California it's not my place to even make that decision. I mean no offense but this is the most lib response ever.
it was never on.
"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains."
lmfao. Every fucking time
it has even remained the same historically
lmao no it hasn't. It originally referred specifically to people that supported the USSR putting down the Hungarian anti-communist protests. By the time "tankie" became a word (that only really ever had relevance in the UK) Stalin was long dead.
Why should the people in those territories that pled for help against the coup government that was slaughtering them for 8 years not be allowed self determination?
And also as an anarchist I don't believe in any legitimacy of either state, but if the people there feel safer under the protection of the Russian federation against the clearly Nazi captured Ukraine government, who am I to tell them what to do?
You talk of Russia trying to install a puppet government but the US SUCCESSFULLY installed a puppet government run by Nazis in 2014.