Never, but if I ever see one, I'm going to laugh at it, point with a finger etc.
My subscription feed is very small, selective. Then I read about a 25% of these articles, and another 25% I think the headline tells me all.
If it is youtube links instead of articles, I click on only 1% of them. Most are just a huge waste of time even when their topic is interesting. People who post youtube links without writing a personal summary should get stabbed in their asses on both sides, so they can't sit for four weeks :-)
Can I go to my public sites
I would not recommend. Remember, wherever you step, your feet are leaving traces. Your public sites may be a little too publicly well-known afterwards.
and/or VPN into my servers?
VPN's might not work from there, or the use may be considered a crime.
For Olympus, i know only about the PEN and the OM-D series. They all use a big non-standard lithium cell.
You want to know things before meeting the therapist. Maybe read a few things like this:
But ofc I agree with the others: listen to what your therapist recommends.
The answer goes deep into networking technology. I try to explain a few major points:
Streaming is built on IP networking, which in turn can be built on different cable technologies. IP transmits every piece of data reliably, but asynchronously - the sender cannot know how long it will take. This is good for things like the www: everybody gets his individual request fulfilled sooner or later.
"Cable" is built directly on one cable technology. It transmits all things synchronously: you know exactly how long the transmission takes, and the amount of data is the same at all times. This is good for one long movie without any disturbances, but it does not give much flexibility when many different users have many different needs.
auf einem 300 Meter langen Teilstück der Weißenburger Straße
Beeindruckend. Mit 300m Überholverbot schaffen die es in die BR-Nachrichten 😁
The Grandma-Honeypot LOL
But I don't believe in it. If I were the scammer, I would have maybe 2 or 3 of these lengthy talks with "her", but afterwards I would recognize her and of course avoid her anytime.
Hey, Typ dort! Nur weil du eine Statistik besitzt, heißt das noch lange nicht, dass du mir Vorschriften machen darfst.
Mein Arzt sagt es mir schon, wenn er mein Gesicht nicht mehr sehen will.
You were banned for hostility and rudeness, and I cannot help agreeing with it.
die 1,7 Millionen Arbeitsfähigen wieder in den Mittelpunkt.
Doch tatsächlich [...] lediglich knapp 14.000
Wir sollten endlich auch mal diejenigen sanktionieren, die da ständig die Zahlen um's Tausendfache verdrehen!
Just think of all that orange guy is, and all that he isn't:
He is white, old, male, (somewhat) rich, right wing, educated, member of a majority, and a criminal.
Such people, places, things, and ideas are going to get benefits.
All colored, young, female (& div.), poor, left wing, uneducated, all kinds of minorities (!), and upright honest people, places, things, and ideas will be getting hard times.