[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This is the way.... Setup and then open a terminal and then boot the machine... Helps to have console output logged on the host machine so you can review everything after... Some boot sequences can be tens of thousands of lines long on complex machines.

[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 4 months ago

The Latin alphabet is not the original alphabet system used for English. There are modern alternatives that have been suggested to help eliminate some of the confusion created by using a non native alphabet, the Shavian alphabet for instance would theoretically solve much of the issue.

It's kind of what happens in other languages as well... English speakers like to quip that there are x number of dozens of ways to spell Mohammed. And for sure, in English, it probably feels that way. But there is actually only one proper way to spell it you just have to use the Arabic alphabet to do so.

[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Beautiful! Yeap that's a very clean parallel and also extremely important in that field as well.

Since this has turned into a lovely exchange I want to offer one more point for your consideration.

Where the outcome of marketing data typically intends to position a product or service in to it's most profitable position, and the quality of the data produced can be somewhat validated by future sales/market share/market depth/etc.

Polls like the one we are discussing aren't constrained in the same manner and may be maliciously and purposefully designed to generate biased data. Humans are inherently vulnerable to hostile psychological manipulations. If this poll specifically isn't just an outright scam intended to get its recipient to click on some link that load a payload of malware, it is certainly designed to purposefully create skewed empirical data.

Not everyone, but certainly a small minority of people who may have not necessarily felt certain about where they stood either direction could look at the results of a poll like this and might find a tinge of doubt in the back of their heads. This sort of tactic hopes that a person will feel a paranoia that everyone else seems to know something significant that they don't and drive social anxieties up. Again, not always, but also not uncommonly, we can find ourself doubting even deeply felt personal resolve on a topic or position if it feels like the vast majority of people disagree with us. This sort of cognitive bias warfare isn't intended to immediately flip a persons perspective, but rather it's designed to soften a persons resolve and introduce enough doubt that they may become susceptible to being flipped later. It's why we need to embrace healthy skepticism and be willing to be more stoic with how we consume numbers others prepped for us.

Much love friend, have a great day/evening!

[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 10 months ago

That's because it's not true. Firefox was first called firebird for a brief time... Otherwise its most closely related to the Mozilla browser... Netscape and mosaic aren't even related to each other... I don't know what this guy is smoking.

[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 11 months ago
[-] NeverNudeNo13 3 points 1 year ago

I understand where you are coming from, really... And I also appreciate the care that went into crafting your reply with the clear considerations to keep a neutral and rational tone, so I wish to extend the courtesy back.

The major contention I have with your position is that it is only easily justified if it were true that Israel is in fact indiscriminately bombing Palestinians. However the basis in reality to support the indiscriminate claim just doesn't exist at the current point. In fact the specific video posted here is explicitly contradictory to that argument. Israel has developed military technology beyond nearly every other country in the world in order to precisely and discriminatorily be able to target enemy combatants in civilian dense urban areas. The roof knock bombs that IDF use prior to levelling a structure so that citizens can have time to flee the scene is a prime example as well.

[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 1 year ago

It's like you guys are just learning that war is terrible...

People die in wars. Combatants, non-combatants, men, women, children, bystanders, supporters, journalists, doctors, criminals, religious people, atheists.

We don't want war... It's bad.

So if you don't want war, you should conduct massive brutal attacks on civilian populations... Because that's how you get war.

HAMAS did this... They hold their own women and children at gun point inside of buildings they know Israel is about to strike to maximize the propaganda value out of the strike. The Arab nations refuse to allow Palestinian refugees to enter their countries in order to get them out of the conflict areas. Iran has purposefully financed HAMAS in order to allow it to disrupt the Palestinian Government and prevent any real opportunities for real sustainable peace. HAMAS build hospitals and schools with Iranian money... not to provide for the Palestinian people but to ensure they can wrap themselves in human body armor as they build caches and facilitation networks which is 100% in violation of international law and is not just criminal but utterly despicable.

Meanwhile these groups and countries have never been shy at announcing that their only stated goal is the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Israelis and the destruction of the state of Israel.

Who would have thought that all those years ago when Jordan and Egypt decided to take military action against a displaced refugee encampment all of those years ago that we would be at this point.

Or when they did it the second time..

Or the third time...

It's unreal that Egypt and Jordan just abandoned their own people in Israel and refuse to allow them to return to the nations they were originally citizens.

[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 1 year ago

It's like you guys are just learning that war is terrible...

People die in wars. Combatants, non-combatants, men, women, children, bystanders, supporters, journalists, doctors, criminals, religious people, atheists.

We don't want war... It's bad.

So if you don't want war, you should conduct massive brutal attacks on civilian populations... Because that's how you get war.

HAMAS did this... They hold their own women and children at gun point inside of buildings they know Israel is about to strike to maximize the propaganda value out of the strike. The Arab nations refuse to allow Palestinian refugees to enter their countries in order to get them out of the conflict areas. Iran has purposefully financed HAMAS in order to allow it to disrupt the Palestinian Government and prevent any real opportunities for real sustainable peace. HAMAS build hospitals and schools with Iranian money... not to provide for the Palestinian people but to ensure they can wrap themselves in human body armor as they build caches and facilitation networks which is 100% in violation of international law and is not just criminal but utterly despicable.

Meanwhile these groups and countries have never been shy at announcing that their only stated goal is the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Israelis and the destruction of the state of Israel.

Who would have thought that all those years ago when Jordan and Egypt decided to take military action against a displaced refugee encampment all of those years ago that we would be at this point.

Or when they did it the second time..

Or the third time...

It's unreal that Egypt and Jordan just abandoned their own people in Israel and refuse to allow them to return to the nations they were originally citizens.

[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 1 year ago





... It has always been the fucking Iranian Revolutionary Government...

If not for the Iranian Revolutionary Government... We could have easily have had both a Palestinian state (which has never existed) and peace between Palestine and Israel, with not much stretch of the imagination.

Also in not much stretch of the imagination... Iran could have continued from here... https://www.businessinsider.com/iran-before-the-revolution-in-photos-2015-4

And who knows where they would be now..

Certainly not here...


[-] NeverNudeNo13 2 points 1 year ago

I'm guessing they meant 6cm... but I don't know or really care all that much.

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