You think Google, Meta, and all those silicon valley companies in CALIFORNIA are going to stop hiring Indian and Asian engineers because they don't have an official DEI policy anymore? Really? Do you even know who Google's CEO is?
Unpopular opinion, but a company removing their DEI policies as to not pick a legal battle with the US government is not the problem, assuming their actual hiring practices are not really changing. If Google from now on only hired straight, white people, it would be detrimental to them for missing out on a huge pool of talent and they know this. If all they are doing is removing diversity requirements from writing and canceling black history month pizza parties (which face it no one really cares about celebrating culture at the workplace), then essentially nothing has changed and they can roll all this back in 4 years.
... on the other hand, Apple advertising on X is coward shit. 💩
It's easy to say, but the author and his colleagues are not in a position to just "stop complying".
We don't know the author's exact work. It could just be administrative or something that wound not make sense to be worked on if they aren't delivering anything.
I'm not sure what work you expect then to do if their bosses are complying. If they are expected to be watch dogs, but the part of the organization that enforces the rules simply won't enforce them, then what do you want to be done? Send stern warnings to rule breakers knowing it's pointless?
It's a shitty situation that needs to be solved elsewhere.
Somewhat preferable to the alternative
On a slight tangent but movies and TV shows always reflect the way society is at that point in time. It puts on display what was valued, what was of concern, etc. This is true regardless of the genre.
Changing scenes or using cgi to remove things we would now consider"problematic" is like erasing history.
Jodie Foster is a real one
You're being purposely dishonest when you argue that the issues of the US 50 years ago are the same as they are today. Inflation isn't something that goes away. It's a necessity in for a growing economy. Abortion is politically still here but views on sexuality and women are not the same as it was 50 years ago.
Our issues are bad and still probably get worse before they get better but I still would not trade places with China. As I said it's easier when you are still a developing nation but their issues are not something you'd envy.
They have a real estate problem that can end their economy, a gender disparity due to their 1 child policy that will leave generations of men without any hopes of finding a partner, and they still get to deal with the same education inflation problem that exists everywhere: all children spending their whole lives studying to get into the few good universities but without that good job waiting for them.
Vietnam is still developing so there is a lot of room for growth, but China already has a mountain of issues bubbling under the surface.
How well do you think your comment will age in 3 to 5 years?
It's not that relevant if, prior to the man performing multiple nazi salutes, we already knew he was a full blown fascist.
The third option is making a deal with the EU and continue fighting.