Ooh! I wonder if Valkyrion is going to revisit the ending of their Solstice Rain remix, now that we know the official version of Solstice Rain's aftermath. https://trainlightning.com/epilogue-after-the-solstice-rain/


My takeaways are that more news exposure is good (see the availability heuristic and mere-exposure effect) for putting climate change concern on the agenda, while information campaigns aren't very useful unless they're paired with avenues for action. Policy changes (incentives and disincentives, regulations, price changes, social norms) can help with action.

On a similar note, one of my GMing tenets is to keep in mind what's relevant to the players. I am at heart a worldbuilder, and it's easy for my imagination to spin off into the distance with a dozen new ideas, but I try to keep in mind how players will interact with the material.

People have limited attention spans and ability to keep track of things. As a player I try really hard to take notes and understand what the GM is putting out, but as a GM I really mind legibility. Sometimes the players are just clueless and you have to explicitly say your secrets.

I find it's a lot like teaching.

The social contract of the table: We're here to have fun, together.

I'm leery of summoning mechanics for this reason, since they increase player options but can take a lot of table time. At least they're interactable by the other players and GM. I'll admit to having occasionally summoned eight wolves (D&D 5e) or whatever, but this is the situation to roll before your turn or use digital dice.


joined 1 year ago