Reminds me of the idea I had when stoned back when multimap was a thing... Mulletmap - users load up their mullet and you can locate your nearest one, highest density etc.
I feel Google maps monetised it better
Reminds me of the idea I had when stoned back when multimap was a thing... Mulletmap - users load up their mullet and you can locate your nearest one, highest density etc.
I feel Google maps monetised it better
Respect. I'm clearly the reason they do it as I'd sell out my gran for a discount
I think the phrase is "I couldn't care less".
I can't argue with that, at least in the US that's always been a strength of their's.
I initially held the view that range was irrelevant if it's a massive battery but even on that score Tesla seemed to be ahead of the game for a long time on the efficiency (miles per kw). Not sure if the market has caught up as I'm not at that end of the food chain so speak.
I can understand why your next one will be electric as pretty much all the benefits you describe are benefits of an EV not a Tesla.
I drive an old beater of a leaf and have the same list
I reckon the Mazda badge is a good call as the tesla 3 has the vibe of a Mazda I think.
I rmemeber rocking up to guys place to buy a sofa and his mum was there, I said I really liked her Hyundai Coupe and she said it wasn't one as she'd got different badges on it. Found it so funny that it was a nice looking car at the time but she clearly couldn't cope with the idea of owning a Hyundai
It does sound amazing, particularly Cluj. Enjoy
That was my thought exactly, like GI laws are going to apply in Trump's new kingdom
That's a great idea
I did start to think I must be shadow banned, or I'm just really dull and nobody cared enough to reply to what I wrote
Could have just said the knicks will win the world series and left it at that, jesus
Haha, I don't judge kinks, whatever gets people off hey :). Let minnow what you're into!