This reminds me: I should finish Hollow Knight.
Vaikka pienen asialla olenkin ja paikallisen päättämisen lippua heilutankin, niin olen yhä enemmän sitä mieltä, että tämän maapallon ongelmia ei ainakaan kansallisvaltioiden perustuva kansainvälinen järjestelmä pysyy ratkomaan.
Vallan keskittämisessä on toki isoja riskejä, mutta myös se puoli, että isoja päätöksiä saadaan tehtyä ja vietyä maaliin. Toki paljon on kiinni myös siitä, millaisen mallin varaan päätöksenteon keskittämistä rakennetaan.
Ajatus EU:n liittovaltiota ei ole minulle täysin mahdoton, mutta suhtaudun siihen lähtökohtaisesti aika skeptisesti. Positiivisena kuitenkin pidän sitä, että tätäkin asiaa pidetään edes jollain tapaa varteenotettavana vaihtoehtona ja keskustelun arvoisena.
That table is just begging to be flipped. Enter Flipper the Dolphin.
The tech industry for example. It is easily the biggest, most varied and in many cases the most innovative (due to educated people and resources) in the world. This benefits the economy and the military for example.
Just stated using Revanced Extended YouTube. One of the best apps there is. Makes everything so much more convenient and with zero cost.
A humanist here, working in the cultural heritage (which is also increasingly digital) field.
I reckon I have more computer skills than an average user but in no way I am a "techie". It's just that I know how to search for tech solutions and am not afraid of breaking the computer. Due to using Unity I also have some experience with C# and currently I am trying to learn python (mostly just for fun but you'll never know if it ends up being helpful at some point).
So definetily not a tech person, but interested in both the humanist and technological side if life.
I think the point is that as long as certain services or fundamentals for living are based on good-will and philanthropy, they are in the end at the mercy of whims or calculated actions of those doing well.
It is PR in the sense that it does not only make the philanthropist look good, it also ties the subjects of the philanthrophy into a bond between the giver and receiver: as a receiver you are forever thankful to the philanthropist and in some perverted way constantly reminded of your subordinate status towards the giver. This strengthens the societal structures that benefit the rich and helps them stay powerful compared to massess. While I am sure that most rich people genuinely donate money to make things better and help others, it is still them who get to choose where the money is spent.
More equal and transparent option is to make sure that there is enough tax revenue to cover these kinds of costs from public spending.
I have also been playing with an idea of a philanthropic fund that allows anyone to donate, but not to decide where the money is spent. If the target for philanthropy could be decided by a group of experts/public poll, money could probably be allocated to places where it is needed the most. However, I am sure there would be a lack of bigger donations as the PR effect would be smaller...
It's a bit off an off-topic but, can someone explain me the difference between IMAX and iSense? I've googled it but don't fully understand it. How does iSense compare to this beast of an IMAX film reel for example? What about more standard IMAX theatres?
Damn, we are using them at my work and they have been very good as remotely updateable media kiosks. I just started to learn how to use them. Ofcourse well keep using them for some time still, but at some point we'll need to find another solution.
I was also thinking getting one to work as a streaming computer. Currently I use one computer setup, which causes performance issues with some games. Would a nuc work as a computer to encode the video live or would it make more sense to use a machine with s proper GPU? Any thoughts?
Strange. It is almost as if they don't give a shit about anything 😱 Surprise, surprise...
I beg to differ. This is not about a police officer either acting or failing to act. This is about determining what is appropriate use of force and what is not.
Shooting a teenager into a car seat (and lying about it before getting caught) is very different from a situation where a police acts in self defence or chooses to use violence to stop other people from getting hurt. It's that simple.
A misconduct has to be punished and not rewarded. Always.
Any breach of police conduct should be investigated and judged on case-by-case basis. If an officer is able to justify his actions and they are reviewed to be according to rules, He should be allowed to continue working. If He has misused his authority He should be punished accordingly.
In a civilized, functioning country, this does not scare the rest of the police, but rather forces them to evaluate their practices and actions for the benefit of their work and the society. In the long term, this is much better for the society than just wiping misconduct under the rug.
Good riddance ❤️