I don’t have that setup but I went through a similar path. I had a dedicated spot downstairs but I find I paint in small sprints, usually 10-30 minutes at a time and I found it annoying to keep running back and forth downstairs. My wife got me an MDF painting tray for Christmas with spots for paint and brushes and a little working area. It’s been nice to be upstairs and spend more time with family while painting.
Great texture on the bone. Did you just wash with Agrax?
Love the skulls on the left side
+1 The axes are very cool
Great job. I still need to paint this guy.
Cool! I’m a fan of Imperium Maledictum, hopefully this is good.
These look great
Thanks for sharing. Looks fun. Painting up the Blood Angels on the list? 😆
Badass. What did you wash the armor with? Is it just nuln oil?
Looks great!
Nice to see more content for this! Ive really enjoyed running our IM campaign so far.