Yes. But thats not word. Thats something else entirely which atleast my employer would never use (security, long term support, offline, integration with 3rd parties etc)
Disagree. E.g. Word typography is not as advanced as LibreOffice. And words document master is buggy as hell.
But yes. Excel can handle big files now. Still sucks at im- and exporting different csv formats...
But... Because it's integrated so we'll with windows, is faster most of the time.
In reality: of course word should be a better program and it does get lots of loving from redmond. Only because: if no new features, no new sales. And since word is mostly a solved problem, redmond invented new problems...
Working with a LO user and a sub par program always beats working with a word user who can't use styles, review, and merge documents.
How do you do that? Monero is one of few coins that interested me back in the day, so I am not a hater at all. But adoptation is very much lacking, and i I have no idea how you but groceries with xmr.
Det virker virkeligt godt. Fedt. Tak.
Jeg tror det er vigtigt ikke at diskuterer for og imod AI. Men istedet bemærke hvad der sker i dette tilfælde:
- det generelle retstats princip om at staten kun må indhente de relevante oplysninger for en sag, forsvinder, når alt kan være relevant for en algoritme. Det tillader vi jo heller ikke når politiet efterforsker en forbrydelse. Her skal der en dommerkendelse til. Hvis princippet forsvinder rykker det ved magtbalancen mellem individ og stat.
For at kunne rykke ved principperbe bliver man nød til at snakke om konsekvenserne og indholdet og processen. Det vil man ikke
høringen har været mangelfuld og fraværende.
ikke engang formålet med behandlingen, (navnet på algoritmen) må offentligheden få kendskab til. På den måde har vi fx ikke en ide om hvorvidt det bruges penge på at fange snyd med crypto, antiklamper, leasingfælder eller måske nordjyske campingvogne...
Det er altså ret princpielle skred i den måde det offentlige normalt opererer på
On a related note? When my friend on proton send me (regular imap, openpgp) and several others (gmail, outlook) an email with all of us as recipients, it seems that proton cheats? I get to decrypt the message, where's the others just read plain ø, unincrypted text.
At first i thought this smart. But now i kind of realize how much of a nightmare this seems to be.
On the other hand, i am not really sure how they do it? Is it to different mails, with fake headers? Or is it more like: if no encryption is available, show thisb (dentical) text instead?
My take: if your camera is spying on you, there is a big chance that your entire device has been compromised. Ig that happens, it's game over and me masturbating to bdsm furry porn is the least of my problems. Especially now that AI video exists anyway.
Looks really kool. Reminds me of tiddlywiki but yet totally different. The authentication is very briefly touched upon. What kind of auth is it? Maybe more robust to just use http auth via caddy?
My confidence in signal is greater than my confidence in a random fork. Privacy is hard... So I feel it's better to trust something less than ideal, than to trust a random dude promising to solve all problems...
That's just my threat model.
For me i am careful not to trust to many addons. Several addons have "turned against the user". I trust gorhill and ublock origin. I only install verified by Firefox. Disable when not needed anymore.
Besides that i think Multu account containers cookieautodelete Bitwarden Treestyle tab
I also use vimium although it pains me or had access to everything, and it's not verified. So it only runs in nonessential windows.
Thx. Interesting. But a bit to expensive.
Is there really no watch i can just connect to my pc and transfer data?
On android opentracks, fitotracks etc are great applications.