Imagine a greentext from this person
Honestly it was enjoyable but to me completely misses the point of book 1's journey.
Did Aang learn waterbending? No. Did Katara try to/struggle with teaching him while she was learning herself? No. Was Katara the strong female lead she was in the show? Basically the heart of the show? No.
Also I find the acting subpar. The more cold-ish faces clashing with experienced actors that embrace the goofiness is meh...
Mit jedem Jahr glaub ich das meine persönliche Verschwörungstheorie tatsächlich zutrifft.
Die Intendanten wollen einfach nicht, dass DE auch nur ansatzweise in die Richtung von Punkten kommt, weil sie im Falle eines Sieges irgendwo das Geld für den deutschen ESC auftreiben müssten. Und der einfachste Ort Geld einzusparen sind Intendanten-Gehälter!
I mean the reason nuclear weapons are measured in megatonnes and so on is that it is actually megatonnes of TNT. And hence Its predecessor Dynamite.
So... we couldn't relate destructiveness without good ol' Alfred.
I have never seen that! Now every word in German like Übergewinnsteuer is now smiling!
Well... WiFi is bidirectional. It may be faster receiving but the device sending... Other story than the tcp handshakes...
Anstatt klingelineling dann rattatatat
I know it's a clichee but guns. I regularly watch some youtubers from a lot of backgrounds. Science, engineering, music, you name it. And the casual way they talk about guns, even carry them, is deeply disturbing to me.
Yeah I guess it happens that you shoot a gun once or twice in your life. From military service to the plain old "Schützenverein" in Germany. But having them in everyday life is... just... dangerous.
They in-part have open carry in malls. And plazas. I don't get why everyone carrying in a public space isn't classified as a danger.
Worst thing is that he was a history teacher before he got into politics. Makes me sick thinking that this fascist stained multiple years worth of students with his ideology...
Ist zwar nicht das Thema, aber wie stabil ist bitte der Name "Wolfram Axthelm"?
Die wollen die wahrscheinlich nur in Zukunft als vegetarisch labeln können um eine größere Menge an Konsumenten anzusprechen...
Der Papst hat nen verstorbenen Webdev heiliggesprochen, weil der ne Website über Heilige aufgesetzt hat