That's a pretty awesome, groovy jam.
I have no idea what you mean. No clue what this perfection is you speak of. I made a pretty bland comment. Don't look for depth.
I do. It's great. Order something Monday afternoon, most likely get it by end of business Tuesday. And the very few times there has been an issue, they always resolve it to my satisfaction.
Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up.
Haha. An honest liar, that Colbert.
Maybe not for him, as he's not a traditional late night host, but for the rest of them, definitely. It's all they talked about for four years.
Please keep spreading this narrative. Gotta keep housing prices down. Got an awesome price on my new house several years ago.
My dear doctor, they're all true. Especially the lies.
Probably true enough, but I'm sure there are a few that are a mixed bag.
I am someone who wouldn't give "T people" rights the time of day. It's absurd. If they're American, and a legal citizen, then they have the same rights as me. I don't have the time or patience to focus on a group that makes up a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population. We have real problems.
Not that I care about or even like these guys, but just playing devils advocate (mostly because very few people here do) but witnesses, accusations, court trials, and investigations by law is just due process. Also, with an outright admission, we've gone past the point of a mere accusation (credible or otherwise). I suppose a settlement is the only one I would attach to credible. Most people aren't going to pay up unless they're guilty.