I never insulted you. Though it speaks to your emotional and mental maturity that you took it that way. Stop playing the role of the victim.
There is racism literally everywhere. Also, don't move the goal post. Our conversation had a very specific scope that you created. Either argue within those confines or move along.
Furthermore, take that privilege shit down the road. It's lazy, tired, and trite.
I don't care enough about you or your life to ask for specifics. Though I find it ironic that I shouldn't make assumptions about you, but you're perfectly ok making assumptions about every judge in Florida. No wait, then you said all of the south.
You don't have to do anything to be radicalized. You can simply have a radical mindset. Which is what you have.
Alright, this conversation hasn't beared any fruit so this where I take my leave. Good luck with whatever it is that you do.