They just show up in comments or posts on Lemmy. Usually you'll see people use a lot of @'s and #'s but they show up from time to time. I'm not sure if there's a way to see comments from Mastodon specifically
How do I do what
Make it make sense. If those generators had been above sea level, well probably above 100-year tsunami levels, we likely would not have seen the plant catastrophically fail.
Lol and the commenter above you is forgetting about the aluminum of the PV module's frame, as well as stainless steel used for the racking. Those things are super easy to recycle.
Solar panels are glass and rare elements that we can't recycle properly yet.
NREL's Solar PV fact sheet on circularity says that conventional solar PV panels have recovery rates of 80-95% given existing recycling infrastructure.
We know how to recycle these things. The fact that we maybe don't do so in a widespread way is because it's still cheaper to throw shit in a landfill or incinerator.
If you're trying to maximize energy collection then yes you'll want to face the fence rows NS.
But there are also some benefits for making use of vertical bifacial panels oriented EW. You get a bimodal energy plot: one in the morning and one in the evening when the sun's direct rays shine near horizontal (something NS panels can't collect).
I'd actually be interested in reading the literature on mixing these types of panel orientations to see what the resulting production yields would look like, and if stakeholders like utilities would find any benefit in them to help better manage grid demand in those peripheral times of the day.
Something to note about your link to solar fences is that one of the cons mentioned is that panels can't produce power for half of the day because they'll be facing away from the sun.
Bifacial panels exist and can collect energy from both faces of the module. We in the utility-scale space use these all the time. You'd want these over monofacial panels for fence applications
No I think they just show up randomly. You'll have to look out for Lemmy posts to see if anyone from Mastodon comments. Next to their name is their instance, so if I were on Mastodon, my username would be something like: or something