Ahah Tesla is like a 2000s knock-off of good existing technology
Wouldn't refunding the amount of the tariff to the customer fix this? Ignoring the very important diplomatic and retaliation tariffs which makes the whole post unusable for real life
- Canada sells a product A $100.
- Tariffs makes it $120 when you buy it
- so Canada gets $100, USA gets $20, USA customer pays $120.
- USA has now $20, they can directly refund the customer for $20 via a policy to reduce the price of the category of A.
- So customer gets $20 reduction of the product A via tax something, so USA now has $0 and USA customer actually paid only $100.
- Except now if USA company make the product A they can sell it for like $100 and customer pays $80.
- There is a slight increase of imported goods price here because tariffs cannot actually refund $20, it will be a % of the local vs imported production.
- Over time you can expect to get a local advantage because of this price inequality, so local companies will be subsidized by imports until imports are no longer significant.
Where am I wrong here ?
By the way, if tariffs are directly sent back to the customer through tax reduction on the tariffed category of products, wouldn't it be painless for the company/customers (if you forget the retaliation tariffs) while increasing you local insensitive to production? (all things equal if you imagine companies reduce the cost of the products properly etc which is not realistic)
It it was a fair deal, investment from the US to build more infrastructures, doubling their investment capacity to mine stuff.
3 competing possibilities
- compentent military leadership, but not resisting political leadership: either needs a coup and kill political leader (not likely) or will fail (likely)
- incompetent ML, and but dumb enough to have their own agenda, crippling the plan (optimistic)
- incompetent ML, and very submissive, allows the worse the occurs and succeed (bad)
Hitler did not only have yesmen for his wars. There was even plots against him late in the war and he killed a lot of them too.
It's roughly 1 death for 3-4 injured and out of combat
I'm so glad I have actually good friends we can compliment and joke around without feeling uncomfortable ahah.
Citadin ici, entre mes 25 et 30 ans
TIL thank you
It's just an error on the date, just wait a few weeks
It's several cooperative and competitives projects. Diversity is not bad for science anyway. ITER itself involve tons of countries.
Ah yeah I see I forgot this part, more bureaucracy and delay might hurt cash flow. Thanks that's a good thinking.
It's just a though experiment, in real life it's not a nice math problem to solve like you said.