Wait, you mean you don't like how algorithms and ads have evolved to almost be content at this point. You don't want a bunch of for-profit ads suggesting you buy things you don't need? Lol, you're not in it for the cash grab? :OOOOO WHAT!?!?!?!?!
It's being sold as abortion rights, but the language is pretty broad and supports everyone's reproductive rights. Yay human rights!
news is profit driven, so it literally always has someone's agenda behind it... (e.g. always propaganda) this appears to be corporate flavored
If you've got a degree, your institution's job boards are lightyears better than Indeed. Keep working on the personal projects though, they help once you have an interview. ^.^
Think those are just called forums?
Just don't forget where you've been getting your motivation from up to this point. It only gives you the energy to get those things accomplished, not the motivation to want to do them.
It's a prop to promote whoever-she-is's tik-tok channel. If you haven't been looking out for yourself and constantly overwork yourself... no shit you shouldn't be doing that. Anyone who's worked is attempting to optimize less work for more pay. My distaste is for the article, btw. To address your question, it's just rebranding like you suggested. Why come up with something new when you have the next generation's social media app and all the ideas that worked on your generation to fuel the channel?
Better ban school too. I hear that's how kids find drug dealers.
Don't forget the VERY innovative and generous 500 character limit they're enforcing. Wow. So much characters.
League of Legends
Lol, I tested this out live. Most people still like to 'disagree button and run.' I think it comes from the 'debate me bro' atmosphere that seemed prevalent on Reddit. A lot of folks would rather just show they disagree than expose their logic on why. This trend can then be manipulated by bots to strengthen the 'unspoken disagreement' with opinions that don't jive with whatever agenda they've been created to support. And rather than talking out disagreements a lot of them devolved into 'then just leave.' Or even more venomously as 'this community will be better when you're gone.' ^.^
Sounds like what unions were meant to fight against.