A dope . Former National Security Advisor HR McMaster
. A fucking moron . Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
. An idiot . Former Chief of staff Reince Preibus
. An idiot . Former Chief of Staff John Kelly
. An idiot . Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin
. An idiot surrounded by clowns . Gary Cohn
. An idiot with the intelligence of a kindergartner . Former National Security Advisor HR McMaster
. Breaking—Trump is still an idiot . (former) Trump supporter and right wing columnist Ann Coulter
. Donald’s an idiot . Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen
. Dumb as a rock . Rex Tillerson
. Dumb as shit . Former economic advisor Gary Cohn
. He is truly an idiot. Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis
. He’s an idiot . Former advisor Sam Nunberg
. I honestly and truly believe my Schnauzer (dog) could do a better job. Federal chair under Trump Janet Yellen
. Less a person than a collection of terrible traits . Former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn
. Like an 11-year old child . Former advisor Steve Bannon
. Like trying to figure out what a child wants . Former White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh
. Moron King . Podcaster Joe Rogan
. Not only crazy…stupid . (former?) Trump friend Tom Barrack
. Sick of being a wet nurse to a 71-year-old man . Steve Bannon
. Someone who sucks up and shits down . Former Fox News chief Roger Ailes
. The White House has become an adult day care center . Republican Senator Bob Corker
. This guy is a complete and total moron . Federal chair under Trump Janet Yellen
. Too dumb to testify . During the Mueller investigation John Dowd
. Unhinged . John Kelly
. What an idiot . Senior editor at The American Conservative Rod Dreher
Yea, so it has NOTHING to do with skill, or performance, or history, or morals. Just money.