
joined 1 month ago

TL;DR: What people have done so far is commendable, but the only way a movement to resist Trump will succeed is if organizers and activists get serious about thinking long-term and putting deep consideration into any given action. Otherwise, we're going to waste energy and run out of gas.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

This!! I'm a big fan of carshares, particularly when they're run by nonprofits. I literally wrote about this:

[–] 13 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Heard. And agree with Maeve that education shouldn't be privatized ever. And, also, there's a lot of things that have long been privatized that should be managed as a commons, IMO. Top of mind is energy, the Internet, and social media (really love that the Fediverse is making the latter possible)

[–] 16 points 1 month ago

I'm just waiting for these companies to admit the same thing about all other forms of "sustainable aviation fuel." SAF is a joke and distracts from the fact that the travel industry needs to shift to electrified high-speed rail for continental travel and, for intercontinental travel, investigate ways to use wind and solar to make sailing an realistic option.

Admittedly, this makes long journeys longer. But the reality is that the world's obsession with fast travel is a problem in and of itself. We need to slow down as a society. There's no way around it.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

I really despise how many websites have just started to openly use AI pictures for their featured images. I agree that it's hard to take seriously. To me: It also says a lot about the values of the websites that use it.

[–] 20 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Says a lot about the agricultural industry in this country that it couldn't survive without cheap labor to exploit.

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

This, plus the other study on the same subject (which was also posted on this sub), and the paper from James Hansen et al. about accelerating warming are making it hard for me to feel any other way than that we're simply fucked.

Whatever "mitigation" measures we take definitely have to be implemented with an "adaptation" mindset.


In three weeks, Trump has undermined a core pillar of American governance, sparking a constitutional crisis.