Maybe not right now but requirements can be changed, especially in times of need.
European xenophobic attitudes
You know we're not all like that, right?
And Canada also has far-right nutjobs.
How the fuck does he not know why Tesla is in the state that its in??
Oh yeah for sure it'll be an old fashioned normal watch. Ditched my smartwatch last year.
Well yeah. They'd care if it lead to impeachment or something though.
Absolutely hate cars with those stupid big screens on the console. Give me buttons and knobs any day.
I loved minidisc. It was just too late to the game with mp3s hot on its heels.
I know, crazy right? The thing must be 20 years old now. Shows how versatile it is.
Yep. And it doesn't need to be charged every night like apple watch or similar.
Am looking for a new one if you have any recommendations.
Projectors that use actual acetates? Wow.
Came to say this. Fax just refuses to die.
Just like Hungary does?