Lol that's weird. It's one thing to notice such a thing and he's right when he might think it can be something medical but to insinuate it is is just weird. But then again doctors can be quite strange.
Europe already spends 2 to 3 times more on defence than Russia and has more manpower and vehicles but there is, apart from us, no party ever highlighting this.
Belgium actually
Argentine with Boca and River fans defending old people protesting from the police
Though I'm guessing Russia isn't worth it for the West and they will focus on China instead
Am I... Am I agreeing with Mark? What's happening?
Imagine being such a shit leader that fans of the two most bitter rivals in your country decide they have to take up arms together against you
We have this orthodox Jewish district in my city which I ride my bike through every morning to go to work. Today some dude was riding in front of me when a Jewish guy in a car drove towards us. These are narrow streets so there was little space.
Anyway the dude on the bike went off against the car, screaming: 'fucking JEW, fucking UNTERMENSCH' and I was like: what the actual fuck man.
I caught up to him at a traffick light and asked him: 'what the fuck did you just say? Untermensch?' and he started stuttering. I asked him if he knew what we do with Nazi fucks around here and he quickly rode away. Not that I have any idea what I meant with that either but still.
Baffles my mind how you can be so confidently Nazi outside.
I think you make some good points and I'd be lying if I said that I don't have my doubts in the past few months. Especially with the focus on elections and endlessly wanting to bring in new members like a pyramid scheme. Don't get me wrong it is important to attract new people but it felt like it became the main focus and other important work was shoved aside. I became a member because the party was leading by example by doing protests and achieving things but right now I can't remember the last time I actually felt like making a difference.
At the same time pushing for change can be hard. I have tried to get some ideas across but to no avail. Community building stuff like setting up gym groups or other activity hubs, reclaiming parts of unused land around the city to plant stuff or make parks, martial arts courses, etc. Not necessarily communist but I feel like stuff like that is missing. It's better than the umpteenth survey we try I think.
I read the post more thoroughly and this part hit home:
And I can’t believe I have to explain that to some communists. People will go to the 🌹 party if you give them a choice between socdem-but-we-like-lenin and socdem-but-we-like-flowers. you need to offer something different, and electoralism is not it. But it’s safe. And then you capture young engaged communists, use their labor for your electoral campaigns so you don’t have to pay money for it, and the cycle continues. It looks good on paper and 100 years later you pat yourself on the back for having failed at doing any revolution. A party doesn’t get my involvement on virtue of calling itself a communist party. It needs to earn me. It needs to earn you
Especially after almost a year and a half of campaigning for electoralism which at some point almost caused me to quit as it is so far removed of what I actually want to stand for.
We literally just had an opportunist quit our party in the European Council presumably because of the wage thing lmao. Painfully accurate I guess. He's an independent now enjoying the big fat EU wage.
City subreddit, Western country: 'look at this cool park, public transport, building, cute cafe'
It's only brainwashing if it's the DPRK guys