This made me think about what my party does. We try to organize from the bottom up. We have a heavy presence in, for example, factories and industrial companies. We have people working at said companies as elected officials right now, voicing their concerns to Parliament.
Apart from the mentioned fraternal greetings from AES we actually co-operate with AES. We have exchange programs with Cuban doctors. We visited Palestine before. We offer educational trips to Cuba. We do aid after disasters like in Spain with the floods.
We have our own free healthcare network in place right now with more than a dozen clinics throughout the country.
We offer courses on Marxism to the youth, we have our own youth cadres and they organize things like free festivals and stuff.
We actually govern in some municipalities together with socdems and greens.
There are other things we do that I can't remember atm but I feel like those are some important things for now. We have our own international commie festival, for example. We organize lots of protests, just to name something. We offer aid to people in need in our local communities. We have our own independent cadres in municipalities throughout the country.
I feel like there is a lot to do still but for a commie party in Europe it is quite decent at what it does. Still not perfect (if that's even possible) though.
One of our party officials in the European Council quit our party and will continue as independent. He gives no reason himself but rumours has it that it is about money. Every one of our officials needs to give a part of their governments wage (which is enormous) back to the party so that they only receive an average wage as to not lose touch with the people. Guess he wanted everything.