My partner works in the art industry so by default we have a lot of artsy friends and a lot of them live in these incredibly beautiful historical appartments in the middle of the city. We hang around there often and it is always a bit decadent. Classical music, champagne, nice clothes, etc. Through networking we (and they) also know a lot of people higher up. Politicians, business owners, whatever. We sometimes see them around and hang out with them.
Apart from that I also frequent hipster soy milk coffee bars and stuff.
I'm basically a huge hipster soyboy guy coming straight out of an Instagram influencer page except I'm a communist. I didn't grow up like this for what it's worth. So it always amazes me a world like this exists.
Talked about women's day at work and one of my coworkers said 'well no sex for you then this saturday' which was just proper weird tbh