
joined 1 month ago
[–] 9 points 1 month ago

New Karate Kid remake coming? /j

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Well actually cod is meant to be played by adults only

So, you know, it's a good deed in a way. A very deceiving and lucrative one, but still good 🧐

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I never had a reason to trust them to begin with, tbh.

I'm not sure what the meaning of this statement is. As i see it, you have to trust your community at some point because as a child you're not self-suffucient on a basic level. You need care from your family, schooling from your community, and if you take higher studies you need institutions to invest in your potential (be it by public funding like in most European countries, or by a loan). And that is just on the first level. Secondarily, the school in your community needs institutions too, and your family needs a job from the community, which probably also rely on institutions. You rely on them, they rely on others, so you rely on those others too.

In order to do all of that, before you even really have real life choices, you have to trust your family, your community and your institutions (thus, your Country).

Once you start having a real choice on what to do, then I can accept you might lose trust even if still having to rely on some of these. And you can work in a job that has very little to do to your community. Which is close to the situation I am living, actually.

So you lost that trust that allowed you to grow up to adulthood, because now you have a choice and you don't like what you see. Which is fair, we are all caught up in individualism, we know that we need to have a way out of situations by ourselves. That's why money is so central in our life: if things go wrong in our community, we will need money to convince others to grant us services and goods to cover our needs.

But that has more to do with material needs, not with "purpose". Nothing really stops us from trusting our community for non-material things, such as a sense of purpose. We just decide not to do it out of habit of being individualistic.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Well the further you go on, the more likely it is that you find there is no point in anything, we are but a phenomenon in the universe

But if you look closely you realise many have needs, many have desires, many want to enjoy company and experience many things, they feel a purpose in what they do

There is a cute plot point in my fav anime, Hunter x Hunter. While the main protagonist Gon has a goal, to find his own father that left him as a baby, his best friend Killua is initially pretty nihilistic. He told his feelings about this to Gon, and he replied that, until he finds his purpose, Killua's goal will just be to be at his side. So, basically, the friendship itself will be his purpose.

I think the general point is that our potential nihilism is part of our personality. We were never supposed to live an individuals and be self-sufficient. Finding a purpose as individuals might not be a solvable problem! We might need another person to get that purpose.

So while "scientifically" we don't have a purpose, as life itself is a phenomenon and our consciousness is a happy accident of that phenomenon, some people feel a purpose, they feel they want something, and others could simply tag along and find purpose in helping others with theirs.

At least that's my answer so far 🤌

[–] 11 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Your single existence might be ephemeral, but humanity isn't, your community isn't, and possibly your family either

Individualism breaks that sense of purpose, and it teaches us that happiness is made by personal enjoyment of often exclusive activities

If we lose trust in our community or in humanity in general, if we imagine the next person to only care about themselves, basivally if we expect individualism from others, we lose hope of feeling a more community-oriented form of happiness! And unfortunately in many places that situation is expected, because people are often indeed individualistic

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

QC was such a fun ride... I encountered it pretty late in the story, then I got on par and I unfortunately dropped it, now it's hard to go back

I think it's the Star Trek of web comics: incredibly progressive, ethical dilemmas everywhere, starting it now is hard for many because of the early graphics!

The most amazing thing is how real its characters feel

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

There's a time travel one that I've seen tons of times. and also a Christmas one I remember the song of. Sorry I can't remember the titles

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Actually last time I checked apple did their keynotes mentioning the environment and stuff, greenwashing their choices... I'm curious what they'll do now.

Just like Tesla, they might have saturated their liberal userbase, I wouldn't be too surprised if they took a more "neutral" stance

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Actually about Gates, does anyone know about his stance on the current fascist takeover?

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Absolutely not, I did not imply that, the post is about digital reproduction/ownership of music (if I haven't misunderstood it)

And that is, basically, free, a very "low" cost of copying bytes. What we pay on Spotify and Apple Music are not the artists, not their instruments or recording hardware or mastering software.

We pay the intermediaries.

Concerts, museums, theatres, etc, have high costs so I'm completely fine for them to cost money to the visitors.

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