[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 14 points 1 year ago

How is wanting a war to end without more innocent lives being lost "supporting" a fascist government?

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 13 points 1 year ago


Anyways, you have the right idea about it being unjust that those who start wars of aggression reap benefits from starting them. That is why it is best for both Russia and Ukraine to resolve this using peaceful negotiations, as the reason why america is pouring military hardware into the latter is to bolster its own war of aggression against Russia motivated by cynical geopolitical interests.

This current conflict has a long and bloody history stretching way back from 2014 till now. It is called the "Russo-Ukranian war" and started with the Euromaidan incident when the EU used far right groups to antidemocratically depose a pro-Russian Ukranian president and plant someone who is more aligned with their agenda so that they could put pressure on Russia, as Russia was starting to get unfriendly towards the American trading bloc.

As such, the true nature of this conflict is an awful proxy war between Russia and NATO (america), where innocents suffer and the rich get richer.

Therefore, I think we would both agree that it is not good for america to send more weapons to Ukraine as this would be fulfilling america's own selfish geopolitical interests using the lives of innocent Ukranians.

Nice profile too btw

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 15 points 1 year ago

“[Capitalists] act as if they are being chased by a bear,” wrote Zhang Lin, a Beijing political commentator, in response to these comments. “They are powerless to control the bear, so they are competing to outrun each other to escape the animal.”


[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 12 points 1 year ago

majority of billionaires are allowed to exist in the first place dumbass

Socialism is a transitory stage between capitalism and communism where there is ongoing class warfare between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat my dude. In China, the state is on the side of the proletariat, not the bourgeois.

And putting money into health and infrastructure is possible under capitalism

And yet China is the only major power where the state has a tight grip on both... Interesting!

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 13 points 1 year ago

State capitalism is when you execute billionaires and enact compulsory planning for key parts of the nation's development such as health and infrastructure.

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 12 points 1 year ago

They act like what the far right imagines the left to be like

Good, they should be terrified.

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 13 points 1 year ago

Socialist Market Economy is a socialist mode of production. :bean:

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 21 points 1 year ago

lol shut the fuck up canuck

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 12 points 1 year ago

I agree, some of you are alright, it is the elite of america and the very notion of "america" as a nation itself which must ultimately face justice for this situation. I hope you have a good day.

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 25 points 1 year ago

America falling apart would be horrifyingly destructive for the rest of the world, for it will allow other corrupt capitalist powers that are, let's be honest, not as humane, take over the rest of the world.

Well technically the continuation of america is more destructive than its inevitable decline, since america has a very awful pattern of killing millions of people for the enrichment of its elite, via means such as invasions, installing genocidal puppet leaders, and corporate extraction. The worst part is that america often destroys countries just as their people are on the brink of greater liberation.

Notable examples include:

Installing the Taliban in Afghanistan to oppose a Socialist government then destroying it

Destroying Iraq for Oil

Helping quash the Protocommunist Taiping Rebellion in China

The current blockade of Cuba

The current blockade of North Korea

The murder of socialist president Salvador Allende in Chile and the installation of Pinochet, a neoliberal dictator

The Contras

Sending $3 billion a year to isntreal for the mass killing of Palestinians

The genocide of first nations peoples on the North American continent itself

Assassinating Fred Hampton and the political killings of the Black Panther Party

Meddling in the affairs of practically every single third world country on Earth

Fucking Monsanto and their land grabbing bullshit

It is also probably the most inhumane of the corrupt capitalist powers as revealed in the details of these genocidal ventures either by using its own weapons or by proxy.

As such, the death of america would enable the possibility of a flourishing of socialist nations without the threat of the worlds most powerful military brought to full bear against their people for daring to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 23 points 1 year ago

people deserve to starve in an age of plenty

this pigbrained subhuman cruelty betrays you as an american citizen, thank god your shithole is in decline lol you should all rot and die there for the good of the world

[-] SuperNovaCouchGuy2@hexbear.net 14 points 1 year ago

My guess is that, destroying the US would go a long way for world peace.

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