Cracking a phone is pretty doable. Cracking phones in a way that will hold up in a court trial, much more formal.
A demon core was part of early nuclear bomb research. The type of reaction they were studying would emit blue light and a ton of radiation.
It's been a meme to imagine the demon core as an available weapon in medieval fantasy, since it looks somewhat like a mace.
This one features the number 19.
Checked post history. Shocking lack of noods.
Nah. The 24 hour window is so all the rich, connected people can apply for some grandfathered exemption clause that's not available to the rest of us.
Counterpoint: tech literacy is irresponsibly low for a modern developed world that now requires it for everyday operation.
Basically by allowing websites to refuse to load unless the browser the operating system running the browser promises that the user isn't allowed to know what the computer is doing. And Google super duper promises this won't be used for evil.
From weeks in general:
The modern seven-day week can be traced back to the Babylonians, who used it within their calendar. Other ancient cultures had different week lengths, including ten in Egypt and an eight-day week for Etruscans.
There's probably a rabbit hole to go down to get into the mindset of who decided that a seven day week was a better system then what the neighbors are using. Babylonian astronomy and mathematics at the time likely played a role.
And overall there's a rich history to how we divide up the years in calendar reform.
Personally, I've fallen in love with the international fixed calendar. It proposes getting rid of the 30 days hath November nonsense and making all months 28 days. Take all the month-ends and combine them into a new month Sol, and since 28 × 13 is 364, create a new holiday called world day that is part of no week, no month, just doin' it's own thing. Add on a monthless leap day when needed and like magic, months are now a functional unit of measurement. 1 month = 28 days.
Nobody said we were polished. We're literally the upstart underdog.
It is known about, and it's being worked on, but since it's ultimately an open source project, there's no deadline provided for when it will be fixed.
Luckily it's not a big deal, it doesn't prevent the pending subscriptions from showing up in your feeds. If it bothers you just wait for your server to be not busy, unsubscribe and resubscribe, should take care of it.
There was a different vulnerability found that let the attacker take full ownership of a compromised account - some moderator and admin accounts were compromised. I would prefer the developers fix that first.
Not everyone thinks of dog, there's a bit of a bell curve.