I'll be honest,before this thread i though chiro was a medical proffession.
I highly recommend the xenoblade series. 1,2, and 3 are on switch with a remake of X coming in a few months. All nintendo exclusive games well worth their cost (if you have time for a jrpg)
I hate that i don't disagree with you.
I didn't expect to compliment him, but damn space hitler really does have good hand writing.
Its only 40s of work.
I don't see whats stopping you from doing exactly that ten years ago. What you describe it just tag searching. Plenty of software exists to do that.
Currently waiting on a fucking 3.5mm to bluetooth just because i can't trust any of the usbc adaptors I've bought.
Three shots for a dollar??? There's going to be more lead than body after we shoot 3 billion+ times!!
Seems pretty good, just waiting on the communities im in to leave discord.
Not saying you do, but i imagine a hammer would probably be sufficient. You'll probably end up with a few good rocks.
Oooh, sweet. I knew it was soon, but couldn't remember.