[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 11 months ago

Because I don't want to worry about finding a new backpack every time I just have everyone have 2 backpacks for selling items, then just before I sell I go to everyone's backpacks and just mark everything as wares. Although, honestly I started doing it because I wasn't positive that it was giving me the price for the items in the pack and not just the pack itself early on. It's routine now.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 11 months ago

I have a gilded chest in my camp supplies specifically for souvenirs. I also use chests for organization in the same camp chest. One for each weapon/armor type that I'm holding onto in case I decide to respec someone later and I need a different aspect on their armor.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

But if it can survive on it's own, it's not aborted. Were it legal to remove the fetus at that point, then it's a delivery. It can survive on it's own without being attached to the another's body, so they would deliver it early.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

Then why are we taking their opinion over our own?

Typically, when people cite something like that, they defer to an expert in that field. In this case, maybe an anthropologist? There's nothing in the training to be a physicist that prepares them to understand the early stages of civilizations forming, let alone is longevity.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 2 points 1 year ago

There are brands that make biodegradeable bags.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 2 points 1 year ago

Freedom is good. Radicals are cool. so....

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

So not really then. I've always heard this but not seen it explained. But what you're saying is that with every interaction the likely hood of finding a match goes up. But realistically, probabilities like that are just fun quirks of math, not representations of reality. Probabilities are doing the math on events, but these are events discussing concrete and unchanging dates. Every person paired up isn't given a random date in every interaction. They have a set date from the outset, you just don't know it. There's not a random number generator picking a number from a set every time. Unless you're in a simulation and none of this is real and birthdays don't exist and the computer you're plugged into has to make up a random birthday every time you interact.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

Because time and direction are different metrics? West is a metric that only means anything in relation to something else in a straight line. It's a direction. West doesn't stop being west if you go too far. It's always west.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

Oof. Yeah... Sometimes there's just no getting around it. That's rough. I've had some that when I was working on them I just knew that it should take 5 minutes but will end up being 30 because every input means I wait 5 minutes for it to catch up. We also have some that are used and continuously updated every day. I was finally able to convince them to archive old ones and get a new sheet every quarter.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

On the other hand, other fabrials, such as Soulcasters, the Sibling, and Oathgates, are still visible in Shadesmar despite having a Physical presence

It's also possible that their functionality requires them existing with a foot in both worlds, so to speak. They're not dead spren nor typical living spren. They're willfully imprisoned in some special way. Like, the Oathgate spren are the Oathgates, and seem like they're more responsive, but we know it's the same process as the Soulcasters and they're basically inert. Sanderson has said they're something like Shardblades, but he doesn't say they're just like Shardblades. They do act differently and affect things differently. Presumably they just work differently.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

For point 2: I always got the impression that they did blip out when summoned. There's hundreds of them out there, but they've had thousands of years. And while we view it as imprisoned, they say they're keeping them safe (and from hurting themselves possibly I think, but I may be misremembering that bit). So they're stopping them from wandering around by keeping them locked up, but it's not trying to keep them all there forever. They just feel honor bound to take care of them. That's their ultimate goal, not to round them up.

On top of that, I'm not sure, like Syl when she's just being her little blue self hanging out with Kaladin is also in Shadesmar at the same time. I don't think it's like with lower spren where we're getting a peek at them on the other side. I think they're all the way over. Otherwise, in Oathbringer we probably would have seen Timbre, Ivory, and maybe Wyndle and Glys just hanging out on the cognitive side around Theylan City when Kaladin and the gang showed up. But it hasn't been verified, so who knows? Sanderson is pretty good at coming up with good reasons for stuff in retrospect.

[-] TheActualDevil@sffa.community 1 points 1 year ago

Don't forget the part where they get back to the Shire and they fight off... just some dudes. Over some tobacco. They've fought orks, goblins, a giant spider and saved the fucking world. But their arc can't be complete without fighting a couple guys in the woods I guess.

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