It is massively overpowered, but if you take the time (arguably a long time) to get the ZiKZ-605R, it's quite overpowered but very hard to get, and I think it's a good balance between power and difficulty to get it
It's hard for me to believe that Occam's Razor applies here. It's hard for me to believe that someone this stupid can become president and think he's doing something good for America.
So he became president to do something bad to America, and he does it in the way Putin says to.
Bad choices are the only reason this game is fun! I recommend using the Tatra 805 as a scout by the way. Small enough and zippy enough to work as a scout, big enough to haul trailers!
I personally really love the ANK MK38 Civilian. It looks brutal, its powerful, and the special tires it comes with just go through mud like there's nothing there!
I have a medical malpractice annuity that pays out every month and goes up 2% compounded every year. I live in another country where cost of living is way lower than in the US and am worried that rapid inflation in the US or just overall instability will lead my annuity to be practically useless. Are these worries baseless?
I did remove the video, redid it.
It is massively overpowered, but if you take the time (arguably a long time) to get the ZiKZ-605R, it's quite overpowered but very hard to get, and I think it's a good balance between power and difficulty to get it