It's like that bit in 40year old virgin, where his lying about touching a girls boobs
That has real " it's just a prank bro" energy
I'm not taking about refugees,I'm dealing about anyone who wants free Healthcare are more for their money.
That completely ass backward,that's like sone kinda 1600 French king shit right there. Well I hope you all like mass emigration. Once people realise what's being taken from them and what a better deal they can get literally anywhere else in the world.
No. Not at all,stop with the fucking hoping something may happen. Do something
Also,another excellent answer
Umm but it's not illegal (yet) to start groups right? Why aren't people setting up groups and unions? Gumption,remember
Finally some good news
Well kid,now is not the time to give up, no matter how dig in they think they are,the tick can always be pulled out
Great reply,yea you guys are Americans. I thought you all have a belief that anything was possible with gumption and grit. I don't really understand what happened to the people,I thought you guys where all fire and brimstone,what happened?
Yes but it's bluntly obvious that no one in capital hill is actually qualified. In fact I would say they're extremely unqualified. Remember the BLM protests? When nothing changed, well you all need to get to working out that line and get out and do something. 50501
Like this but instead of poker it's the entire US economy