EditorPostImport sounds promising. Hopefully I can make it save the branches or update them if they already exist. Thanks!
What about modifying the importer to automatically export each branch to a new scene?
Python syntax makes me really have no interest in gdscript. I don't understand why people like python/similar languages. Its painful to use.
Sound libraries mean that many games/media share sound effects or even textures and models sometimes. The Wilhelm scream is the most famous example of this.
Its only a visual change so the npcs still think you are wearing a suit.
Not sure where you live but in America stop signs are everywhere. You can't go anywhere without hitting multiple.
In my experience most people don't even know what a zip or rar is or how to extract them.
Hide your shame? Not sure who this appeals to.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not reason themselves into. Most of the time they even think they are being logical and reasoned their way into their beliefs, but because they refuse to rectify their cognitive dissonance, they are stuck with contradictory beliefs which they haven't accepted are incompatible.
I've never understood this idea. Usually I see it in reference to anime. How can you even appreciate the voice acting when its in a language you don't understand while you are trying to read something in English?
This is a constant cycle.
Tech nerds invent new technology/platform>nerds flock to new thing>the masses hear about it and start flooding it>money notices a large user base that isn't being complete wrung out for money>money destroys the new thing by making it unusable for profit>repeat
Thanks I think I should be able to work something out with EditorPostImport to export the branches/update them if they exist.